After we had the Delta loop of our OV home G25 back in the gears (see action Nobel laureates ) and I was very pleased with the send / receive properties, I wanted to build this type of antenna at home. The tower and tribander had been up for almost 10 years and had weathered previous high winds, ice storms, ice loading, etc. I will redo the analysis and update the answer this weekend. 20-21 A bidirectional,40 meter 2-element Delta Loop array made from wire and coax provides a better way to snare some DX at modest cost. When the tribander went vertical it took out the OCFD pinning it between the yagi and the tower. commercially made baluns. all" (you can't work them all! my portable outings! Heinz I and II left the antenna analyzer to me and I was able to keep it quiet. feedline and how high you install your antenna. Tune Around!SEARCHCQ-Calling All Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? is above the horizontal base wire of the antenna. Good luck with your antenna experimenting! But I did not even want to go, The trollstigen a roadtrip on norways most beautiful roads, The Trollstigen A road trip on Norways most beautiful roads Of the Trollstigen in Norway fixed me since I first spotted him in a photo. (This includes any inappropriate posts on a topic, as I cannot monitor every topic.) Also, the higher resolution at 3.6 MHz (next picture) is very similar to the theory, with slightly higher input impedance (green curve) or SWR (red curve). Height above ground range. 1 is suspended at the end of End1 at the Versa Tower (X = 0m, Y = 0m, height Z = 15m) and ends at the end point End2 at X = 5, Y = 20, height = 6m. copper-clad steel and not all that easy to work with, but the price was pileups on the first or second call. The impedance at the loop resonant frequency is approximately 100 ohms but will very slightly on harmonics. Remember to add at least 8 feet to dimension "A". Your email address will not be published. According to Rich, this antenna is resonant at 3.650 MHz. - all I had in the garage at the time of the build!All I value your comments and suggestions. 80 Meter Full Wave Loop Ham Radio Antenna or Amateur Radio Antenna. At 40 m she was then shifted from the perfect 7.05 to 7.28. I wasn't sure if all "floaters" would Which is better in my situation: Balanced dipole, or as much wire as possible in the air? Would appreciate if you could run the model once more with it equilateral, perfectly horizontal at 60 ft, corner fed. The antenna is fed in the center of the any legs with a 4:1 balun with the 4x side connected to the base and the 1x side connected to 50 ohm coax to your IC-7300. I had played with the delta loop a bit before the wreck but now that it is my only antenna I checked it out further. In this video I will show you the 100 Watt Alpha Loop from Alpha Antenna. Do the Horizontal Conductors of a Ground Plane Antenna Adequately Decouple Its Feedline? eyebolt nuts with two flat washers.The coax is taped to a ten-inch I recently had great results with a delta On the other hand, the SWR, to my delight at 40m, improved to an acceptable 1: 1.7. Believe me when I say, it was the best all They are quieter than a dipole or a vertical, have a broader bandwidth and will usually out perform a dipole antenna.To determine the approximate circumference in feet of a full wave loop antenna use the formula: The feed point impedance of a full wave loop antenna is theoretically in the vicinity of 120 ohms and requires a 2:1 impedance transformer (for single band loops or a 4:1 balun to match on multiple bands) with 50 ohm line. Dimension "B" is the length of antenna wire called the base (width) of the antenna. The 80 meter Deltaloop antenna kit contains all the components to create the ideal Deltaloop antenna. Thats actually all you have to do to start the calculations and see the results. scratching my head!). If matched properly with the suggested quarter wavelength of 75-ohm transmission line, you should see the following SWR curves. Loops are quiet antennas compared to verticals and dipoles and are omni-directional. At the top (90 ft) on the east side of the tower was a pulley which held my 160-6 meter homebrew OCFD. I regret only I add "pigtails" to both ends to make it easier to connect, otherwise, it is great to use and cheap. The base of the Delta Loop is only 10 feet above average ground. Due to the metal Versa-Towers house wall-carrying a chicken ladder would be difficult to realize, and a thick Matchbox I have not. It outperforms dipoles and OCF antennas. motor home!Given halfway decent propagation, this antenna should For example why not feed with 450ohm line, then a 9:1 balun into coax? Your sag will depend on the type and size of Thank you for visiting my Amateur Radio Blog. Please submit any Amateur Radio related news or stories that you would like to see, here on KL7JR Sloping Vertical Delta Loop 80-6 Meters "KL7JR Sloping Vertical Delta Loop 80-6 Meters" Imagine 9 bands on one wire antenna! Repeater Nice and simple and it works good enough for me. I have a 80 Meter Delta Loop up 50 feet fed with RG-213 and a 4:1 balun. search. 20-21 At the relatively low antenna height, the antenna at 80m is naturally a steep spot in the direction of 90 degrees upwards, at 45 degrees elevation it has 3 dB less. 6 or more s units quieter on receive than the xmit L. I have been using an 80M horizontal loop on and off for the last 20 years. I lived down Morello Ave a few blocks from (just past Viano) you years ago and never had any ugly wind problems there! So, if we want to determine the length of a full wave loop on say 40 meter phone, we'd use 1005 divided by 7.180=140 feet (see chart below). i have a horiz loop 280ft of wire fed with ladder line and up 70ft.does not tune up great on 160m but works great on 80m to 10m.signals equally as good on 17m as a 12element log at 90ft.great antenna and simple, i have a horiz loop 280ft of wire fed with ladder line and up 70ft.does not tune up great on 160m but works great on 80m to 10m.signals equally as good on 17m as a 12element log at 90ft.great antenna and sim ple. WA4FXT, here is the rule of thumb that I use. I should add to my previous comment that I feed my loop antenna with balanced feed ladder line required for the tuner mentioned here. (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). Could you or anyone add some information on the choice of balun? This was designed for 80 meters, not 160. Try it some time! The height will be about 70 ft at two corners and 40 ft at the low corner. I did learn however, both 300 Post #1555. The loop loaded easily on all bands 10-80 meters with my new LDG Electronics RT-11 tuner and old FT-840 transceiver. The antenna is tied at three locations and insulators are supplied and factory set at the proper location so all you have to do is tie some rope to them and hoist the antenna into place. Experimental Wire, Copper/Kevlar Wire, Copper/Stainless steel Wire, Your email address will not be published. The project is straight forward, simple, and gives you emergency communications while you peddle down the road. 5-16.2. InformationHam Hints HumorHam Radio News!Post ReviewsProduct ReviewsHam Radio Videos! It loads on 80-10 meters, but I haven't tried making any QSOs on 80 with it. Technical assistance provided by Zach. I'm considering putting up a horizontal delta loop of the type mentioned here, and am curious about the placement of the 4:1 balun some have mentioned. Take care. Jim / W6JHB. Your reward will be quiet HF antenna with a bit of gain over a dipole. This is post 2454 in a continuing series of simple ham radio antennas. InformationHam Hints HumorHam Radio News!Post ReviewsProduct ReviewsHam Radio Videos! The goals of the project were to provide an optimized antenna for 40m, 80m, 20m, and all other HF ham bands, in that order of priority. To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of whats happening with ham radio on the Internet. A 4:1 balun should do a reasonable job of transforming the impedances to the earlier listed 50 ohm SWR values. I'm amazed at how a "shorted-out antenna" can even work at all more or less so well! I'd like to put up an 80m delta loop. On the other bands it works well enough to suit me. use, (October through December), 75 percentof my QSOs on 10 and 20 Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. Bernie does an excellent job of explaining the pros and cons of this popular HF antenna from the late Louis Varney (G5RV). In my old edition of the Rothammel there is not much in it, it is limited to loops with a vertical arrangement, such. work a lot of DX in all directions as the other designs have for me. Due to the high resolution, even the theoretical resonance value or SWR of 1: 1 with 50.4 ohms is now reached. What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? i have a VERTICAL delta loop cut for 80 meters.Fed at the corner. But since my main interest is in 80 / 40m operation, I have then made me to connect the cable at the feed point without impedance matching. N6JSX: A regular, traditional 160 ant such as an inverted-L smokes this ant on it should. I know it tunes 40 and 80 meters quite fast! Each leg is 94.37 feet. If you have sufficient space and a few trees, then this 80 meter full wavelength loop antenna is for you. This allows us to adapt an unbalanced system (coax cable) to a balanced antenna system (delta loop or quad-loop antenna). Amateur Radio Bicycle Mobile Setup. easy it is to build and how well it performs. The feed point insulator has a SO-239 connector. This Delta Loop is a three-sided antenna suspended high in the air by vertical supports, such as tall evergreen trees. google_ad_width = 160; Please check for current shipping costs the shopping basket or on the checkout page. Also, a wonderful DX antenna, as I have worked as far away as Australia, on 20 meters, and as close in as 50-300 miles at night during our 80 meter rag chew. well. critical according to my results.In my opinion, when constructing I use window line from the feed point into my shack and then to a 4:1 Balun in my shack. TrackBack URI. Using the general formula 1005/f (MHz)=L (ft) and a design frequency of 7.088 MHz, I cut three equal pieces of wire measuring 47.26 feet (47 feet, 3.12 inches)/14.40 meters. Air conditioner in the car: an important companion through the summer! Brought the twin lead into the shack to the tuner via the built in 4:1 balun. right.For the feedpoint connection I used a 1-1/2" PVC pipe T KL7JR, 1. know that I built the KL7JR Sloping Vertical Delta Loop and I am having a The antenna is a multiband antenna without traps, which can be fed with normal RG58 coax, and costs almost nothing.