Although rare, there is a long list of potential complications that can happen during an ear cropping procedure such as infections or even death. But it is a harsh reality and it is confirmed by shelters/rescues/breeders everywhere - a (properly) cropped and docked Doberman will have more interest and prospective new homes and get adopted faster, simply because they look better and are more appealing. Many still question the ethics of this procedure. Australia banned ear cropping and tail docking (on horses as well) in the early 2000s. Ear cropping and posting procedures will open up the ear and drastically increase airflow into the ear canal. The look for the breed is meant to be regal, also described as "the look of eagles." Ear cropping is not a straightforward or quick procedure. Both loving, very smart, well trained. Its my hope in this article to outline the real-world pros and cons of getting your Dobermans ears cropped, along with my experience with my Dobermans, so you can decide whats best for you and your dog. WebThe ears are cropped in a shapely manner when the Doberman is a youngster, usually between 7 to 12 weeks. Appreciate the dogs natural appearance, its still goi g to guard your home with floppy ears! NOTE: You may need to do this more often with your Dobie if they get their ears wet or particularly dirty. In other areas like the United States, ear croppings are commonplace, and cropped ears are still part of the breed standard for the Doberman Pinscher. And even then theres no guarantee that the surgery will be a success. Doberman ear cropping is now banned in many countries. The vet will have a pre-surgery consultation where they discuss the style of cropping desired and verify the VWD status. Boxers are cropped between 10 and 12 weeks. Because the Dobermans ears are thin and flap around, they were cropped for primarily safety reasons. Scuffles during work can lead to serious injuries, including a torn or cut ear. If a thief tries to grab the money bag from the tax collector, the Doberman is expected to chase and attack. My first dobe was not cropped. However, this is how the majority of aftercare is done for Doberman ear crops in my experience. floppy ears) were diagnosed with a type of ear infection whereas only 12.8% of dogs with erect ears were (source). Although we often laugh at the prospect of seeing our Doberman Pups with cups on their heads, it really is the easiest way to keep the ears upright while they heal. Theres always risk with it. Ear cropping a Doberman for cosmetic reasons is considered cruel and unnecessary in many parts of the world. (Luckily i was able to clot and have stitched) this can be fatal. Before you think, "well I'm just getting my dog as a pet, we don't plan on protection sport or unruly play with other dogs and I live in a safe neighborhood" The Doberman is always on watch. Nor neutered. In fact, many Doberman owners decide to leave their dogs ears in their natural state. Its like saying that short hair on dogs is a natural occurrence and therefore. This is especially true outside the United States. Floppy ears is not a natural occurrence in wild dogs/wolves /coyotes. Hygienic. The vet will have a pre-surgery WebThe cost of ear cropping can vary depending on the style and the veterinarian that performs the procedure. How much does ear cropping cost? Shame on you. If you want to remove anything from your dog, testicles, ear cropping, tail) think about doing it on yourself first. Ear cropping must be carried out by a qualified veterinary surgeon under a general anesthetic. Many people think so, and the procedure is now banned in many areas. Pain medication and veteranarians increasing willingness to use it will help the Doberman recovering from an ear cropping. This look is hardly achieved with un-cropped ears. My second was a rescue from the shelter and about 1.5 years old. Keep the ears dry. If the ears get wet, rewrap them with dry tape. Every surgery inherently involves some level of risk to your dog and for an ear cropping procedure, your Doberman will almost certainly be under full (or general) anesthesia which involves a higher level of risk. I have had two Dobermans, never got their ears cropped and neither has had ear complications. A Doberman without clipped ears is not overly susceptible to ear infections or hearing loss. He wanted to create a dog breed that was ideal for personal protection. Its just a cosmetic thing and I dont give a fuck of dog ears are not naturally floppy, leave them the ears theyre born with unless an accredited vet suggests a surgery for health. We use the Backer Rod method to post our European doberman puppies. Second and third were. Can you post a Dobermans ears without cropping? I totally agree, I am an advocate for ear cropping, and I do not see cruelty or animal abuse if the surgery is done in a vet hospital equipped and with the correct care. The procedure is not recommended copyright. Everybody, especially in the European doberman world, will have something to critique or comment on, but the important thing is that you get what you want and paid for. Good owners weigh carefully their own commitment and responsibility before getting a dog. Even though the facts are not certain, the European doberman bloodline is said to consist of the Beauceron, German Pinscher, Rottweiler, Weimaraner, Greyhound, and Manchester Terrier. You remove or alter your elderly parents body parts because you think if they were different they would look better? However, theres no scientific evidence to back up this claim. Elders/parents will start when the children are young and continue as they grow into adulthood. Having cropped ears made for one less hand-hold for an attacker to grab on to and gain control over the dog. My first Dobie had a show crop. The first is that a cropped ear gives the dog an advantage when confronted with an attacker as theres less for the perpetrator to grab hold of. Somewhere even further back in those dogs history, the breeders made the mistake or decision that they preferred dogs with floppy ears rather than the upright ones that we consistently find in nature throughout history. Floppy ears are a natural occurrence. Healing is allowed for 1012 days, after which the stitches are removed. Although ear cropping has been a common custom for this breed, especially in the US, there is much controversy regarding this practice. Again, I would say look at nature. Between 7 and 10 days after cropping, the sutures will be removed, the cup changed. I totally agree with you! Ear cropping is the process of surgically altering a dogs ears to point upright. The better news is that the recovery time for ear cropping is typically short. You must keep their ears clean after the procedure to prevent any infections. This map may not be complete, completely accurate, and may have outdated information. Whereas in other countries, its often either completely outlawed or only permitted if its medically necessary. One may as well be saying they look better with all their legs cut off. Not only is this needless practice painful for the dog, as with any surgical procedure theres the risk of infection or complications with anesthesia. But not everyone agrees with the practice, and it definitely does have some downsides. No exceptions. Lastly, after all the pain and suffering, theres no guarantee that the surgery will be successful and the dog can end up permanently scarred. Also isnt neutering a animal painful or traumatic also completely against what they are made to do. WebThe use of pain relief with a healthy diet lets the wounds heal at a fast pace. These people grow up happy, loved, and functioning people of their community. The vet would need to repair them in surgery and give antibiotics to prevent infection. Un-cropped ears are often referred to as "natural" but that does not mean it is actually natural. Dog Wellness: Great Tips To Help Your Dog Stay Happy And Healthy, Old Beagle: What You Need To Know As Your Dog Ages, Miniature Poodle Traits, Care and Personality. breed standards are perfectly fine. There are many people out there who believe that cropping a dogs ears is cruel and inhumane. And she had a big fenced yard. They will also go to great lengths to try and convince you to share their point of view. How is this in any way related to dogs ears being cropped? Ear cropping is a surgical procedure in which a portion of the dogs ear is removed, producing a sharper and less heavy ear. This can lead to a drier ear overall and potentially fewer ear infections. They have only made it possible for dogs with the natural look of floppy ears and a long tail to be shown in their competitions. She was wonderful with children, too! There are also newer techniques being used such as laser ear cropping that drastically reduces the healing time. Love them. and the puppy is under anesthesia for only that time. : This ear is relatively short in length and has a wider base (bell). For example, the lion, weasel, bear, and coyote. This pain may be manageable with pain relief, but it isnt always possible to eliminate post operative pain entirely. As an Amazon Associate Doberman Planet LLC earns from qualifying purchases. Not much of a personal choice for the circumsized baby, I have had 5 Doberman all with their ears cropped. Ear cropping is real animal cruelty. Ears are for hearing, and are best left as the breed has developed them, as well explained by Reggie, above. The wounds can bleed quite a bit and regular dressing changes are required to prevent infection. The vet will have a pre-surgery consultation where they discuss the style of cropping desired and verify the VWD status. Modern veterinarians implore many pain management techniques in an attempt to minimize the pain such as general anesthesia, pain medication, and laser ear cropping. Its unclear at this time exactly how much discomfort or pain is experienced by the dog. Knowing that the European Doberman, along with all the other different dog breeds, were created by inbreeding, we can explain the cause of the unnaturally floppy ears. Like a previous person stated, would you decide to put your son through the pain of having him circumcised?? Ear cropping is usually done at the age of 8-12 weeks, after which the ears are slowly trained to stand up straight by wrapping them in a certain manner. As the dogs mature, this color will darken and a soft layer of hair will grow on the inside of the ear. The puppy is put under anesthesia while the ears are trimmed and the edges are stitched. In the United States, the majority of veterinarians will not crop a puppys ears. all rights reserved. Circumcision has scientific evidence in favor of reducing bacteria. There are people who want their Doberman to appear as intimidating as possible. The show crop has a long, curved shape and it takes many months for the ears to stand erect as well as almost a year of proper after-care. WebEar cropping is a surgical procedure in which a portion of the dogs ear is removed, producing a sharper and less heavy ear. One of the greatest security measures is JUST the appearance of the Doberman. How do you crop a Dobermans ears? There are those who insist that ear cropping is a part of the breeds identity. This is the look your dog will have for the rest of your life! Don't just assume it is cruel or assume it looks better so it must be better. I strongly discourage this practice and if you still do it, despite its cruelty and pointlessness, you are only doing it for appearance, not to help with hearing or infections. The upper attachment of the ear, when held erect, is on a level with the top of the skull.. By the time a dog reaches 8 months of age, the process that transforms floppy ears into pointy, upright ears should be well underway if not totally completed. If youve ever seen a fierce-looking Doberman standing guard to protect their family, chances are they had this ear style. Just because wolves and coyotes have erect ears doesnt mean it isnt natural for other breeds. They were fine. The cropped Doberman has a more alert and impressively striking look. After that, your dogs ears will need to be posted in position usually until their ear cartilage firms up (usually at 6 to 8 months of age). Whereas a Doberman with floppy ears is often misidentified by others as a type of hound dog, mutt, or an unknown breed. To me it ranks along with getting your male children circumcised- a matter of personal choice. And tails are needed for many functions apart from wagging or between their legs to express emotions, they are used physically for balance. For example, in the United States, its legal as long as a veterinarian performs the procedure. The breed standard states that the Doberman Pinscher should have ears that are cropped and held in an erect position. Many of those same countries have exceptions to allow cropping and docking on dogs meant to do working sport/competition such as Schutzhund. Reasons a person may choose to crop To avoid injury or damage to ears due to fights with other dogs or animals; or any other injury long, This surgery is often performed under general anesthesia and is relatively routine in the United States. Below you can see 3 different Doberman ear styles, a short Doberman (military) crop, the longer Doberman standard show crop, and a Doberman with natural ears. You may also find Dobermans with a medium ear crop. The shape or length of the ear crop style can vary with the dogs purpose or job duties. Is that for the well being of the dog ?? Bacteria, mites, and ticks seek after dark, moist, and warm environments. My problem is that without those stand up ears people dont consider them to be Dobermans and I need to have that recognition so I can feel like they need to stay away because people dont recognize a Doberman without cropped ears. Use peroxide to clean the edges of the ears and then dust the edges with BFI Powder to help dry them out. In fact, most wild animals that are carnivores have erect ears. Hi I had a Doberman years ago and had his ears cropped. In 2008, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) released a statement advising that their organization is opposed to this procedure. The look between the cropped and the un-cropped Doberman is very different. After the surgery is completed, the ear cartilage needs to heal and the ear will need to be posted in position so that when the ear cartilage hardens naturally with age, the ears will stay in the correct position. Ear cropping surgery is done under anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. If the ears fall put them right back up in the roll. Out kit is designed to be the most simple to use, most comfortable for the dog, fastest achieved results, and hand holding support so you can get the ears done right! It does not typically take very long to stand. I later read, the dogs tail is indeed used for balance. Some human babies are born with small tails that are surgically removed at birth. Good breeders screen prospective owners carefully to evaluate their commitment and responsibility before placing the dog. Areas with a lot of humidity or moisture are more prone. Doberman ear cropping is a surgical procedure that makes a Dobermans ears stand upright. The medium crop gives the breed a more intimidating look which is ideal for any working dog, especially if their task is to protect the home. In a dog that is meant to be a protector, the first impression counts. & threatening to fend of predators without risking my dog and my life. Ear cropping of the Doberman Pinscher is usually done at approximately 7 to 8 weeks of age. Having an unobstructed path for sound to travel the ears can increase hearing and even the ability of the dog to locate the source of a sound. She was outstanding, loyal, loving, and great with children. The Doberman military crop (or working crop) is the shortest and easiest for training the ears to stand upright. Finally, this last consideration of why or why not to crop/dock is one that not many think about at all: the longterm future of your dog if he/she had to be rehomed. If you dont like cropping , dont do it is neutering your dog not painful and dangerous ? But as they grow up it is likely the ear set will change. All Rights Reserved. Ear cropping is a surgical procedure veterinarians perform on puppies between 6 and 16 weeks old. No one said it wasnt. WebWhen Doberman puppies are born the ears are soft and floppy. There are three different lengths of ear crops: Ear cropping of the Doberman Pinscher is usually done at approximately 7 to 8 weeks of age. Dobermans often have their ears cropped to conform to breed standards, for cosmetic reasons, or for a role as a working dog. When dogs play with each other, they go for the ears. The veterinarian that performs your dogs ear cropping will provide you with direction on aftercare which should be closely followed. Something which the Doberman is already prone to having. I have always had my Dobermans ears cropped, and I am talking 2 that I have had. The ear must belong enough to crop, and the puppy should not be so old that the surgery becomes more difficult for the ears to successfully stand.The Veterinarian puts the puppy under anesthesia and then proceeds to remove the excess Human circumcision is most commonly performed for religious and/or cultural reasons, whereas dog ear cropping really is purely cosmetic, but neither are primarily medical. Some argue that cropped-eared dogs get into more dog fights because how theyre feeling during a given interaction isnt adequately communicated to the other dogs. According to the Doberman Pinscher Club of America ear cropping is done for two functional reasons. This will allow you to see adult dogs (the length of their ears, the style of their crops, etc. Essentially with the cropped Doberman, the aim is to comply with show standards or are cropped because the owners like the way it makes the dog look. There is a lot of debate whether un-cropped ears are considered "natural" or not, because in nature there is no canine or animal that has naturally occurring floppy ears that close off the ear canal. Clean the ears and check for any signs of redness, irritation, or infection. Sometimes the ears will both stand but other times one ear may be crooked. Not afraid to come to me asking for love and attention . This surgery should performed by someone who specializes in the cropping of ears, because the expert cropping of ears is more an artistic endeavor than a technical surgical procedure such as spaying or neutering. I cant help but wonder if youre ok getting other human cosmetic surgery rather than having it performed in a dog. I have a natural ear Doberman and her ears stand up most of the time. In fact, the FCI breed standard says the following in regards to the ears. It includes all the materials needed, video tutorials easy to follow, tips and tricks, trouble shooting guides, support group for searching and posting questions/topics, and unlimited coaching feedback for any post or question you share with me! Also, dogs with floppy ears tend to have more ear infections. BFI Powder is also used for Athletes Foot and is readily available at most drugstores. They don't want to risk the cropping being done unethically or poor quality. Posting a Dobermans ears without cropping them is rarely done and is often not successful. Both the American Veterinary Association (AVMA) and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association oppose surgical alterations that are not for the benefit of the dog and merely for cosmetic purposes. The first thing that comes to mind may be "what a cute and goofy dog," which may fit the personality, but is not what we desire for the impression of the breed. For example, typically every 3 to 5 days the bandages will need to come off, posts removed, and ears cleaned. Cons The Arguments Against Ear Cropping, 7. I only noticed when looking at photos and videos I took of her running. She did not seem to be in any undue pain. In addition, the long healing process in the weeks that follow surgery, can be more painful for the dog than the actual surgery itself. Certainly this can be seen as one downside to this procedure. I cant understand how people willingly puts their dog onto the surgical table. After the procedure, the dog must endure weeks of healing and pain. Dogs as an animal would not exist were it not for mans interference. Excessive bleeding after surgery is a common clinical finding and severely affected dogs may bleed to death from surgical procedures. The posting process is critical to ensure the crop is successful. Yall are just mad that you were wrong about cropping ears. I would say its entirely different as those people make their own decisions and choose to have their body modified according to their own reasoning and it makes them happy. A Dobermans ears are naturally floppy; without surgery a Dobermans ears will not stand up. A friend of ours had a Doberman as a pet, she had a completely unexpected domestic dispute with someone she knew and trusted for many years - her Doberman turned on to the attacker. We have our boys circumcised should we outlaw that practice as well. Usually it is a red flag if the vet charges significantly lower or higher, but some vets in the midwest are exceptionally skilled at cropping and only charge around $250. You dont get a dog just for its looks, its about character traits as well.
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