A funeral service will be held on Tuesday, May 2nd 2023 at 11:00 AM at the same location. The lovely face of Drayke will be in my heart forever. No tengo palabras para esta terrible y absurda partida de Drayke, espero que no sea en vano y aprendamos en el mundo a ensearles a nuestros hijo que hay que aceptar a la gente tal cual es. There are no words. I give you my sincere condolences. Drayke Andrew Hardman has gained his beautiful wings. I hug you from a distance with much love, feeling your pain as mine, God give you the strength and comfort in this difficult, very difficult moment. Sus ojitos azules llenos de vida ya hoy no estn por culpa de este mal llamado BULLYING. One amazingly handsome young man! Como mam te mando un abrazo hasta el cielo. Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items. Espero que esto no le pase a alguien mas. I am sobbing. Drayke will be remembered for a lifetime. It is so sad what happened to your little boy, a reality for many children, it is terrible that being so young they suffer this kind of things, so much pain and fear. i do not know the pain you're experiencing but I can just feel it. Fly easy little Drayke and get your wings out again and from above take care of yours and continue your mission, here we will help you from anywhere in the world. STOP BULLYING!!! I am very sorry for the loss of your son! I have a sweet kid , he is same age like you, i teach then everyday how important is love , respect, being kind. Mis mas sentido pesame para la familia. Un nio no sabe odiar, no conoce el odio, eso se le ensea. From thousands of miles away and even without knowing you, from the bottom of my soul I'm sending you my deepest love feelings. The last thing you could do for him. He looks like such a sweet little kid and he never ever deserved to go through what he did. You will be missed dearly. Sintete feliz all arriba viendo como toda una nacin est apoyando a tu familia, esperando que esto ayude a mitigar su dolor. He will always be here with each of you in your thoughts, your memories and more - those can never be taken from you. Dear Sammi, Andy and Family. . <3, I am so sorry for the loss of your little boy. Never forget Jesus is watching over you and your family. My heart goes out to you. The only thing I can do is to offer my condolances to beautiful Drayke's family and friends, because another innocent life has been lost in the most tragic of circumstances. Sending you love. Un abrazo carioso a los padres de Drayke y sus hermanas que estn sufriendo est dolorosa perdida. It only remains to thank God for having given them the opportunity to meet such a beautiful person. All that I can pray, is they will heed my warning and stay active in their children's lives. Que la vida de ningn inocente ms tenga que ser arrebatada por el bullying y el desamor de otros. He is at peace. We send you all the strength, love and wisdom in the world in these hard times. This world needs more people like him and you! siempre recuerden que va estar en sus corazones. Esto no debera pasarle nunca a ningn nio o nia , me conmueve hasta las lagrimas y me hace pensar que como adultos estamos haciendo algo muy mal como para ensear odio en lugar de amor a nuestros pequeos , abrazo desde el corazn a la familia y amigos de este hermoso nio y deseo de todo corazn encuentren consuelo en su camino y que nadie tenga que pasar por esto una vez ms , est en nuestras manos educar desde el amor no desde el odio. Drayke is in my families prayers. I hug you from Buenos Aires, Argentina and it is my wish that this little angel gives you strength from heaven and that justice takes care of those who have done so much damage. Hope you're now at peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. It has tugged at every single one of my heart strings. Our love to you, Sammy and family, also Grandma and Grandpa.s. Bullying has to stop n Drayke will help on it. Davis Mortuary Service - Gretna. My own son has experienced bullying and it really hits home. We love you . No se ha ido del todoSiempre vivir con ustedes, el recuerdo vivo, en su corazn. My deepest condolences to you and your family. to the parents, I am sorry. Ojala consigamos con esta campaa menos odio y mas amor. In the spirit of Drayke's memory and Love for Life, today, my Junior High students will be reading his story and hearing a stern message from their teacher about the systemic issues that accompany bullying. D. I am sorry for your loss. Funeral arrangement under the care ofPowles Funeral Home Inc. I wish you had continued and fight ..! Funeral Home website by. I promise this and I'll do it for Drayke and for you too, because this planet deserves people who loves big ang so beautiful as your little one did.Please receive these words and all the love from my family to yours, we have you in our thoughts. Mi familia y yo oraremos para que Dios pueda darles la paz que necesitan ahora. God be with you in this difficult time. 2023 Doby Funeral Home. Drayke had so many talents and Andy was always bragging about his kids, as he should! DRAYKE, tocaste las fibras ms profundas de cada uno de mis hijos y de m familia. Youre in my thoughts/prayers/heart.Rip Drayke Love from Belgium. Mus condolencias a la familia. His story his voice will never be unfinished. Bessie and Frog both touched so many lives. All the world feel your lost and all of us are with tour family. Ms. Mable Fairley departed this life on February 20, 2023. My greatest condolences go out to you guys. Bullying is a real problem and like the humanity of its victims, its perpetrators are also human. Although I don't know Drayka personally, I have noticed how beautiful and happy the boy is. It's so terrified how world can be cruel. To the family and friends, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm so sorry for your loss. Love you all, all my love for all , im so sorry th loss. My deepest condolences to the family.. Your little man is beautiful and now your guardian angel. El CIELO BRILLA, DRAYKE VIVE!! Rest in peace little beautiful boy Drayke, My heart breaks for you all, and everyone else's is breaking too. #RestInHeavenlyPeaceDrayke. I have no words, i also have a little son he is everything for me and a stepdaughter of age 12 and just to imagine what you are going trough makes me cry. Sending my love & prayers. Lamento tanto tu prdida pequeo, tenas toda una vida por delante y te la arrebataron. I will share Drayke's story with him. My heart breaks for each of you x. Drayke, I'm so sorry for your lost. Lamento profundamente la perdida de Drayke, pido a Dios para que le d fortaleza a la familia en este momento tan doloroso y difcil para ellos, deseo de todo corazn haya paz en su hogar sabiendo que tienen un ngel maravilloso en el cielo. Eres Especial Mi Drayke tu Esencia traspasa la pantalla en cada imagen tuya se persive tu Inocencia.. Tu sers el Principio del Fin a este terrible Mal!!! Dios los bendiga. No es justo a tu edad tener que tomar esas desiciones que son tan crueles pero fuistes un nio valiente solo descansa en paz y que ahora hayas encontrado la tranquilidad que mereces, disculpa por no este mundo lleno de gente cruel que no sabe el dao que ocasiona al otro. Esta maana ya di a mis hijos un abrazo ms largo de lo habitual. A tu familia, Dios los llene de paz, sabidura y amor. Fly high little angel. . Estoy tan afectada, lo siento mucho. Para lo que sea puedes contar conmigo. Mis condolencias: desde hato mayor del rey. It's not that hard to be kind people! De solo verte inspiras amor y mucha paz. Un abrazo a la distancia, su hijo era un gigante, quedar en los corazones de millones y le ser un crudo recuerdo a la humanidad que la vida es frgil, que los humanos somos frgiles y que en esa fragilidad est el verdadero potencial del humano, que es mirarnos a los ojos y respetarla, pues en ella solo se esconde amor. RIP Drayke taken way too soon. Muchas fuerzas para la familia Hardman , siendo un nio tan noble y sus ojos el color del cielo, qudense con la dicha de haber tenido un ngel en casa. My heart is broken and im praying for you and Drakes soul. My heartfelt condolences to your family. May happy memories your family made together, comfort you during this difficult time. I hope his little angel is flying high. To truly be kind. Para cambiar vidas,pensamientos,almas. El ahora es y ser parte del cambio de este mundo, su vida est marcando y ayudando hoy por hoy a muchas personas y quizs salvando a muchos nios. Lamento mucho y me indigna tu muerte. Doby Funeral Home Obituaries & Services In Raeford, Nc Home Funeral Homes North Carolina Raeford Doby Funeral Home Unclaimed Listing Is this your business? Your son is in heaven ! I can see why you are very proud of your son. Thank you for being a warrior and for teaching us kindness. My deepest condolences. He had so much to live for. Mucho amor para ustedes. The people that bullied him deserve hell. I can not fathom the pain you are feeling. Sending love and support to your family in this time of need. We will talk to our children about bullying, about pain, and about sharing our fears, sorrows, and our hurting. Qu pena que el mundo pierda un angelito tan adorable! My thoughts are with you all the way from New Zealand. Soy mam de un beb y me intento poner en vuestra situacin y se me parte el alma en mil pedazos. I am really sorry for your lost. I'm sorry that you have missed the opportunity to see him grow into a man and thrive at life. Love from Chile, South Amrica. I've never met Drayke but his eyes bring me so much peace, he was probably a wonderful kid with a lot of love to give. In the depths of my soul what I feel is sadness, pain and anger for what they did to him. Praying for you and your 'ohana. Que tus padres y hermanas encuentran la paz que necesiten, What a beautiful soul so sorry for your loss may he rest in heavenly peace praying for strength over u guys. abraza a toda tu familia y tambien a nosotros, para que como padres, podamos hacer un buen trabajo en tu memoria <3, Drake, I hope your dancing in the sky! Estoy muy triste por lo ocurrido. You can see his beautiful soul in those eyes. Su hijo estar en mis oraciones junto con ustedes. he was so young and so beautiful, and i hope his story encourages students to start being kind and standing up for people when they are being bullied. Tengo un nene de esa edad y pienso que ests cosas pasan pero no son temas que se abordan con ms profundidad ! worst of all is that in a situation like this one does not know what to say. May he rest in peace and be at a better Place. Marian Doby, aged 20, who settled in America, in 1892; Doby Settlers in United States in the 20th Century. Desde Chile, muy consternados con este caso un saludo fraterno a la familia en estos dolorosos momentos. I will forever use the hashtag doitfordrayke. Your family will be in my prayers. Mis mas sentidas condolencias a la familia del pequeo Drayke, es lamentable y penoso ver un mundo tan cruel, con tanta maldad y falta de empata con el prjimo. In all of the pictures I've seen of Drayke he radiated so much calmness and nobleness with his smile. Funeral service will be held on Friday December 9 2022 at 100 PM at Freedom Chapel AME Zion Church. pediremos para seguir creciendo, asi seamos adultos, por nuestros nios, en tu nombre! I would have given so much advice and tell him he's handsome, intelligent and how much of a kind soul he was.. I hope you can find peace! Martinez, GA 73, April 28, 2023, Platt's Funeral Home. My sincere condolences as a mother I can imagine all that you are feeling in this sad moments, lost someone so important for a mother thera are no words that express the emptiness it leaves just I really hope that God give all of you peace, my prayers are with you, nobody deserve lost a child, God bless you. But again I'm so so sorry. Dios tiene un angelito a su lado rezo por la paz de su alma inocent. Drayke is the star on his team, and everyone compares his talent to Michael Jordan. Pero el siempre los acompaara a cada momento en cada lugar. Vuela alto, pequeo rey. April 23, 2023 She was called to her Heavenly home on February 12, 2022 in Mobile, Alabama following her battle with COVID. It hurts me so much because I know what it is to suffer in silence and not want to worry anyone. Pequeo angelito, vuela!! I really wish I could tell this precious boy that he's enough. Truly my most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the parents and sisters of Drayke, as a mother I know that you feel the pain for the death of a child, and I also know what it is to fight against bullying to protect your other child. He left too early and honestly gave it his all we lost a beautiful child who has impacted a lot of hearts with his loss. Los nios son nios y deben jugar. Sending love and praying God for strength for all your family who will forever miss your physical presence in their lives. He was born on March 4, 1970 . I will live by that. !Mi ms sentido psame para su familia, lo lamento muchsimo.. Que tristeza el saber que una vida de un ser inocente se perdi a causa de la ignorancia despiadado de otro nio No lo puedo creer En qu sociedad estamos, que entre nosotros mismos nos hacemos dao. Pequeo angelito. This is my worst nightmare as parents and it hurts me so much to read your story. I know how proud you were of Drayke for the 12 years that you had him.I am so very sorry for your enormous loss, and will continue to pray for the Hardman family. McPhatter Funeral Services | Laurel Hill NC funeral home and cremation local_florist Standing at Your Side, Every Step of the Way 9701 Malloy Ave | Laurel Hill, NC 28351 | Tel: 910-462-2345 | Dartha Johnson Apr 20, 2023 Raeford, NC Jeffery Easterling Apr 10, 2023 Wagram, NC Walter Campbell Apr 6, 2023 Marston, NC Woodrow Morrison,Jr. I don't have any word to make you feel better. You don't know me, I don't know you, I saw your story, it took every single tear I had in my body. Un abrazo tan grande como el amor que tenan, tienen y tendrn. This isn't fair!! This is unfair.. My heart hurts so much for Drayke's family.. So sorry for the loss of your precious sweet boy. You're in a better place right now and I can only wish strength for your family in this hard process. His death will not be in vain, he will save the lives of millions of children. Sending prayers from Salem, Massachusetts. Ser gratamente recompensado por el creador. I dealt with "teasing" as it was called in my day and my sons and sadly, now granddaugther have dealt with/are dealing with bullying. I wish you all peace, and lots of love through this time. Graveside service will be held on Wednesday November 9 2022 at 100 PM at Freedom Chapel Church Cemetery. Annie Smith departed this life on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. I hug you deeply my dear boy. Nunca olvidaremos la historia de tu hijo, porque nos recuerda que los sueos jams deben ser cortados por la indiferencia. we all know your story drayke, and it truly breaks my heart. If a person suffers from bullying or depression, give them your support and love. I lost my best friend to suicide 5 years ago, I'm so sorry you have to go through this, nobody deserves to feel like they are not good enough for this world. He lives through you. Love and prayers, Nikki. My deepest condolences and that every full moon you feel its shine on you. Estas prcticas ya deben parar y dar ms sanciones severas a los adultos que tienen a cargo a estos terribles nios y a los nios acosadores darles ayuda psicolgica. I have never met any of you but I can feel you like you're a part of my family. But I saw your story and it literally crushed my soul. My condolences on the loss of your precious child. May this beautiful blue eyed boy Rest In Peace . Fuerzas a toda la familia, Desde lo ms profundo de mi corazn les mando un fuerte abrazo a toda la familia. May your light shine forever in a better place we like to call heaven. I am so sincerely sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. Up there where there is no pain, no worries. While nothing can ever take away the pain of this tragedy, I pray that people everywhere will hear about what happened and will be moved to make a difference. What I can tell you is that the good Lord has him now and he will be just fine. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, but I know the pain of those how are bullied because I suffered it myself. This world has truly lost one of the most awesome kids I have ever meet. Que Dios derrame toda la fortaleza y el consuelo que necesitan a cada familiar por nombre, soy madre de un hijo de 10 aos, y al ver esta noticia se la mostrare al llegar a casa, y me sentare a indicarle que siempre puede contar conmigo, que no esta solo, y que puede confiar en todo. Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of meeting Drayke, but his story moved many of us to tears and I'm sure he'll be greatly missed by his family, friends and community. I have been following this story on Facebook and it breaks my heart everytime I read something new . No puede seguir pasando esto!!! DRAYKE tu hermoso nombre jams ser olvidado, ser usado para pelear esta batalla. There are no words that can alleviate the great pain that your family is going through, as a mother my heart is broken I accompany you in your pain, you have an angel who will always take care of you from heaven. my condolences to you and your family. I saw Drayke's story on Facebook. He had his whole life ahead of him. No puedo imaginar el dolor que sents. We welcome you to provide condolences on the Tribute Wall at this time. To the family, your boy's life has touched millions all over the world. La vida es tan hermosa y bella para que seamos felices y viviamos momentos hermosos. We don't know each other but your story has hurt me as if we were friends, family. Los abrazo fuertemente a los 4. Atentamente:Agus, I didn't know your son or your family but I just wanted to say you have such a beautiful boy and I am so deeply sorry for your loss. . I hope things settle and bullying stops. Sending heartfelt condolences and much love from Malta. A hug to all of you. Lamento mucho la perdida de este hermoso nio, tan bello , tan angelical esos ojos transmitan paz y amor . Entre lgrimas an sigo sin entender cmo se puede destruir una vida. I didn't have the pleasure of meeting you but my heart is broken for your loss, those beautiful blue eyes stole my heart, I will never forget you and I wish with all my heart that your family can find the strength to move on without you. Drayke is in my prayers. no hay palabras.solo lo siento mucho.fuerza y amor . Love everyone no matter what. Together with my wife Maureen and my son Zlatan, from Chile, we deeply regret what has happened to them as a family, we may never meet but all together we will move forward so that there is never more bullying, a hug to heaven for Drake, and my most heartfelt condolences, strength and faith. You didn't deserve to feel pain. what you are doing now by telling others about bullying and that we should be kind is so so amazing and is going to help so much people I'm sure! Descansa en paz ser de luz y enva fuerza a tu familia para salir adelante de este dolor. Ms. Carolyn Smith departed this life on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at her residence. I'm so sad and I dont have words, I pray for your family and Hope this unfair situation help the world to awake from bullying, PARRENTS teach your children to be kind. My heart breaks for all of you. I am so sorry for your loss. God give you strength for your loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Our love and support for you and your family in this hard times. Sending prayers to you and your family, stay strong now you have a beautiful angel watching over your family. Read Vernon Mcdougald's Obituary. My heartfelt condolences to the family. Mis condolencias por la prdida de su hijo,se que es muy doloroso y ya esto de hacer bulling se tiene que acabar en las escuelas primas y secundarias. May your family be showered with love and peace. Fortaleza para su familia. Dios otorgue paz en su corazn y alma Dios brinde sabidura para continuar sus vidas y bendiga su hogar . Un abrazo y estaremos orando por ustedes. Descansa en paz, angelito, feliz viaje. I'm by your side supporting you. Vuela alto mi nio ya no estas sufriendo, ahora eres un Angel que cuidars de tu familia. "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. I never met Drayke but I have been sobbing reading his obituary and your Facebook post. Lamento lo que te ocurri querido amigo. S que donde estas tienes paz, amor y existe mucha bondad. LES AMO FAMILIA, sientan La Paz de Dios sobre sus vidas! My deepest condolences to this exceptional young man's family and to all that knew and loved him. Espero que todo lo que aprendieron de su hijo les de el valor para seguir adelante. I am so sorry that this cruel world took your son. We love you and love Drayke. ** Marcaste un antes y un despus en la sociedad. To think of the pain he must have been feeling is unfathomable to me. I am so sorry for your loss. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea. Visitation will be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 from 11:00 AM until 12:00 PM at Rockfish Grove Freewill Baptist Church prior to the funeral. Descanse em paz pequeno heri. I too lost a son to suicide two years ago, and it's still hard. We will definitely teach our kids to be a light in world. I think about you all, daily. AA vos mam, a vos pap, a ustedes hermanas y dems familia les envo desde aqu toda mi fortaleza y quiero hacerles saber que la partida de Drayke conmovi a nivel Nacional y el mensaje contra el bulling lleg y fue dispersado por muchos y en el mejor momento ya que, en Argentina, las clases estn prontas a comenzar. god this is so heartbreaking I'm so sorry, rest in peace Drayke, Sending so much LOVE for the parents and sisters of this little beautiful ngel. . Cunto dolor Que la partida de este pequeo y el correr de la noticia llegue a todas las sociedades. He was such a beautiful little boy who never deserved too be bullied.. my heart is bleeding and we can only pray that drayke is in a better place and look after his beautiful family every day from heaven! Descansa en paz pequeo ngel, s feliz en donde ests ahora. Lamento de corazn la prdida de Drake, en sus ojitos se ve la dulzura de nio que lleg a ser, envo mi ms sentido psame a su familia, fortaleza y espero que las personas que acostumbran a hacer bullying recapaciten si es la muerte de un inocente lo que buscan lograr. Desde Colombia acompaamos la familia en su dolor, lamentamos profundamente este hecho de total rechazo que tuvo que pasar este angelito. I wish I could give you a hug. No quiero ni imaginar el dolor tan grande por el que estis pasando. Just found out about this sad news. I promise to teach my children to be better than his bully. I pray he visits you often in your dreams. I wish for you your family, that God touches your heart and can strengthen you in the face of all this so strong. An angel in the sky. God be with you till you meet again with Drayke. No child should have to live under the impact of a bully like Drayke did. Both were bustin out some break dance moves, it was the best. I pray for your family in these hard times and pray for peace and happiness for the rest of your journey as a family. A boy who came to change the world and who is already doing it! Rezo para que no suceda jams en el mundo un caso as. Oh how true this has become. Much Love to you all, Wow ammm , no conoca a su hijo per se que en esa mirada de ojos azules hubo tanto amor , para l y para los dems , esta situacin del bullying se nos est llendo de las manos y tenemos que hacer algo urgentemente .. lo siento de corazn y fuerza esa es la nica que nos tiene en vidas ahora como ahora , ojal y todo se mejore un fuerte abrazo desde Italia <3. To all the family, I was heartbroken to read your story. This little human should be remembered by all of us and show that bullying is inhumane! Graveside service will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at Fairley Family Memorial Garden Cemetery at 2:00 PM. Debemos aprender los adultos a ensear a ser amables a nuestros hijos! I cried into the next day, for this family & for Drayke. I don't know why there are people who enjoy bullying a person, I suffered from bullying during 7th-11th grade, the pain and hatred that one feels for oneself has no words,I thought about taking my life, but I reconsidered and I didn't do it. Espero que Dios les de consuelo y que vuelvan a encontrarlo en la vida que Dios tiene preparada para el, donde ser feliz, Que t partida nos dej una enseanza , todos nos demos amar de la misma manera , en mi corazn estars siempre mis condolencias a sus familias. May you find peace little angel, may your mind and heart find the calm that evil People took from you, fly high sweetness May strengths for the family. Ojal algn da se acabe el acoso escolar. Es lo nico que puede darle algn sentido a esta tragedia. And for you, little boy, you may Rest In Peace. Un afectuoso saludo desde Talcahuano, Chile. Sending you all our love, thoughts, and well wishes at this deeply saddening time. No matter how much love we show to our children a bullies word always hit harder. RIL Drayke Xxxx. Luego mis padres lo cambiaron de escuela y con los aos todo mejor. Ihr kleiner Engel htte niemals so viel Schmerz erleiden drfen, und kein Kind hat es verdient, eine solche Situation durchzumachen. I send you all the strength of the world from Uruguay, Rest In Peace little one, Im so sorry youve been through this, its unfair, you have a life to live and so much more to enjoy and just with 12 years old your dreams were extinguished. Such a beautiful little boy. Our deepest condolences to you during this imaginable time. Desgraciadamente los conoc en redes sociales por este trgico suceso. Estoy profundamente consternada por su partida tan temprana, que tristeza que este pequeo angelito lleno de amor y bondad haya partido tan pronto. continue to love like Drayke did! Drayke, pequeo ojos de cielo; paz a t alma . Bullying needs to stop and it stops at home. Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. My heart is broken this is so sad i am so sorry for lossing your son and brother he is so beautiful why bulling him so sad praying for his family, Lo siento mucho les mando un abrazo fraternal voy a compartir su caso para que cada padre lea y como dicen,se sienten 5 minutos con sus hijosyo tuve. I cannot imagine how painful u guys have been going through for your beloved loss. Ningn nio debe pasar por lo que vuestro hijo ha pasado. We are all in this together. STOP BULLYING. Les acompao en el inmenso dolor que deben estar sintiendo ante la partida de Drayke,un nio hermoso que no era para este mundo tan cruel e inhumano, su vida sera un ejemplo, el acoso ya sea fisico o sicologico se ha apoderado de la sociedad y somos nosotros quienes debemos ser capaces de erradicar. Words aren't enough comfort in this moment. To all. Work here? Pensaba en ti en cada palabra que tu mama diriga y me conmovi mucho. Sending love and light to you all. Solo pido que sigan amndose. I'm a mom of a boy, he's 8 months old. As a mother of a 12 year old and of four children my heart truly goes out to this family. Familias enseen a sus hijos y hijas el respeto, el amor, la empatia, la bondad por los demas. Les deseo a los familiares de Drayke que su corazn pueda mantenerse puros, su alma es ahora nuestra estrella. I'm so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. God bless your son until those beautiful blue eyes are back looking at you. I'm so sorry for your loss. To send flowers I can't imagine what you're all going though. Vuela alto nio lindo en los brazos de nuestro Seor estars cuidando a tu familia.
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