In the last 10 years, a high-efficiency hybrid breeding technology system combining male-sterile germplasm, embryo rescue, net control hybridization, and molecular identification was established. Jujube needs to be promoted to consumers around the world as a new superfruit by scientists and commercial companies with the aim of introducing its unique qualities for human health and longevity. Acta Hortic. Agrofor Syst 69:107116. The rooting rate can reach as high as 95%96, but its cost and technical requirements are relatively higher than those of other propagation techniques. Agrofor Syst 55:125137, Garca-Barrios L, Ong CK (2004) Ecological interactions in simultaneous agroforestry systems in the tropics: management lessons. var. Genome-wide analysis of the bHLH gene family in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Fruit. In recent years, the interploidy hybridization of jujube and the interspecific hybridization between jujube and sour jujube were successfully carried out20,84,85. Four generations of polyploid induction techniques using colchicine as the main mutagen have been developed for jujube, i.e., in vivo apical bud induction71, in vitro apical or lateral bud induction72, in vitro callus/embryo induction73 and in vivo callus induction74. Method 3: is a universal technology free of emasculation, i.e., covering the parents with nets to keep away unexpected pollen donors, pollinating by bees inside the nets, and identifying the hybrids with molecular markers84. 1. Hortic Res 7, 119 (2020). Agric. Liu, M., Zhao, J. Comparing the tetraploid jujube cultivar Riguang and its diploid counterpart Dongzao, Riguang has wider and darker green leaves, higher chlorophyll content, a higher photosynthesis rate, larger stomata, larger pollen and flowers, wider and larger fruits, and an earlier maturation time but is also less vigorous and less cold hardy79. Sci.36, 13691381 (2019). I've heard horror stories of the roots actually damaging water pipes to get to a water source. Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding (2019). The jujube tree is a well-known example of one such species. PLoS ONE11, e0154212 (2016). Three representative books on jujube germplasm have been published. It was discovered that an autotetraploid sour jujube had higher tolerance to salinity than the diploid, and its preliminary molecular mechanism was illustrated80,81. Zhao, J. et al. Agrofor Syst 61:237255, Li FD, Meng P, Fu DL, Wang BP (2008) Light distribution, photosynthetic rate and yield in a Paulownia-wheat intercropping system in China. Planting: Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the root system. Sugar transport played a more important role than sugar biosynthesis in fruit sugar accumulation during Chinese jujube domestication. and its wild ancestor sour jujube (Z. acidojujuba Cheng et Liu). Stnic, F., Dicianu, D. E., Butcaru, A. C. & Iliescu, L. M. Preliminary results about Romanian consumers preferences on jujube fruits. & Zhou, J. Jujube Witches Broom Disease (China Agriculture Press, 2010). In vitro tetraploid induction of Ziziphus jujuba Dongzao and Z. acidojujuba (Z. spinosa Hu) with colchicine. CAS Dongzao. Liu, X., Li, H., Liu, Z., Zhao, J. Regarding the taxonomic relationship between jujube and sour jujube (Z acidojujuba Cheng et LiuZ. cv. Food Sci.33, 4851 (2012). Thyrsiflora Cheng et Liu mainly according to the inflorescence type. Liu, Q. Jujube fruit can become a part of international markets and a future popular superfruit. Asian J. Chem.23, 39893992 (2011). Yan, C. et al. Chen, Y. Liu, P. et al. Liu, P. et al. & Jiang, K. Bionomics of a Polygus lucorum in jujube orchards. & Zhang, P. Study on respiration type of different cultivars of Chinese jujube fruit. When I planted my Jujube as a bare root tree, I chopped it down to knee height about 2 feet tall and it finished the summer around 9 feet. Hebei12, 1013 (1989). Research results should be more original and advanced. Acta Hortic. spinosa plants from leaf explants. For Ecol Manag 83:171180, Dhima KV, Lithourgidis AS, Vasilakoglou LB, Dordsas CA (2007) Competition indices of common vetch and cereal intercrops in two seeding ratios. Yan, X., Wang, W., Liu, M., & Zhao, Z. Hebei17, 110 (1994). However, green shoot cuttings (semilignified primary extension shoots, secondary shoots, and bearing shoots) root much more easily and have a high reproductive coefficient. Agrofor Syst 48:6177, Jose S, Gillespie AR, Pallardy SG (2004) Interspecific interactions in temperate agroforestry. Starting with a superhigh density (0.5m1.0m), the density is gradually decreased to 1.01.5m4.0m. This new model obtains good yields (58t/ha) in the year of grafting (Fig. Second, jujube fruits can satisfactorily meet the various needs of consumers. These factors included the culture media, inoculation methods, removal or maintenance of the seed coat, combination of growth regulators, and concentrations of lactalbumin hydrolysate, activated carbon, and sucrose86,87,88. Xue, M., Wang, Li., Zhang, J. In this case, the maturity period can be advanced by 14 months105,106. It can be seen that jujube fruit can meet the marketers demand for profits and risk avoidance. & Gao, W. Genetic relationship of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) and sour jujube (Z. spinosa) based on RAPD markers. Ser. Phytopathology108, 10671077 (2018). J. Ningxia Agric. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the relationship between root distribution and interspecific interactions between intercropped jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) A new excellent early-ripening tetraploid table cultivar of Chinese jujubeHongguang. Three main genes in the MAPK cascade involved in the Chinese jujube phytoplasma interaction. Acta Agric. Research on jujube cultivation technology has a long history that includes fruitful achievements and has played an important role in promoting the jujube industry. Sci.19, 336339 (2002). It can grow and bear well where normal grain, cotton, oil crops, vegetables, and fruit trees cannot survive. The presence of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied. Google Scholar, Maghembe JA, Kaoneka ARS, Lulandala LLL (1986) Intercropping, weeding and spacing effects on growth and nutrient content in Leucaena leucocephala at Morogoro, Tanzania. Shen, C., Jia, S., Zheng, X., Tang, Z. Resour.10, 121125 (2009). Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Ashton PS (2000) Ecological theory of diversity and its applications to mixed species plantation systems. Cent. A gene block located in the region from 9.20 to 14.68Mb of pseudochromosome 1 is highly conserved and contains many genes related to sugar metabolism and stress tolerance. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. To date, cultivation technology systems have been established for the leading cultivars in their main growing areas with their own characteristics. . Study on the Processing Technology of Red Jujube Fermented Wine. Xie, W., Ding, C. & Song, Y. Excavation and SSR identification of polyploidy germplasm resources in jujube trees. & Liu, M. A high-efficiency regeneration system for immature embryo of Ziziphus jujuba Dongzao at very early stage. and JavaScript. conceived of the paper and wrote the first draft. Fruit drying technology has gradually changed from traditional natural drying under the sun to dehydration in a drying room or by drying machine129. However, the Rhamnaceae family was moved to the Rosales order in the APG III Angiosperm Phylogeny Group Classification based on chloroplast DNA sequencing (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III, 2009), which was further confirmed by phylogenic studies on the genome-sequenced plant species using 390 shared genes64. Multiomics-based analysis for the molecular formation mechanisms of some important traits. J. Agric. In the last 30 years, various new products, such as jujube juice, jujube powder, jujube slices, jujube tea, jujube beer, jujube essence, and jujube pigment, have been developed149. Genomes12, 110 (2016). When made into glac fruits by boiling in honey and sugar syrup, they resemble Persian dates and are sometimes known as Chinese dates. It is expected to become one of the most promising fruit trees in the arid and semiarid regions of the world. Among them, stimulating sucker propagation by cutting off the roots at the periphery of the vertical projection of the canopy and separating fasciculate suckers can increase the reproductive coefficient, while gathering and nurturing the suckers in a nursery can greatly improve the quality of the root system. Try not to plant it close to your house if there's a good source of water inside since there are some owners who report roots are able to break through stone. for jujube products to respond to the demands of different international markets and especially of large distribution channels. Cross-breeding, the most powerful breeding method for fruit trees, has not been successfully utilized in jujube. Chem. Consequently, the costs of cultivation and management for jujube are significantly lower than those for other common fruit trees. Luo, Z. Sci. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. To date, more than 95% of jujube production is still concentrated in China, and scientific research on jujube is also mainly carried out in China. Agrofor Syst 43:534, Schroth G, Zech W (1995) Above- and below-ground biomass dynamics in a sole cropping and an alley cropping system with Gliricidia sepium in the semi-deciduous rainforest zone of West Africa. The government and society pay more attention to ecological friendliness, the efficient use of land resources and the social and economic advantages for rural farmers in marginal regions. Fruit scientific research in new China in the past 70 years: Chinese jujube. Jujube tree roots showed a mainly downward trend and . 387 (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016). Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Plant Cell Tiss. Qu, Z. et al. Review of researches on Chinese date high yield cultural theory and techniques. Zhao, Z. et al. Jujube grafting took place 1000 years ago, and the intercropping of jujube with cereal crops had become popular by about 600 years ago. Liu, M. & Cheng, J. Bu, J., Zhao, J. PLoS ONE10, e0127812 (2015). Liu, M. et al. Int.39, 917923 (2006). The high level of sugar accumulation in jujube fruit is due to the expansion and high-level expression of genes involved in sugar metabolism and transport. In addition, Hebei Agricultural University collected and preserved ~200 accessions of sour jujube germplasm and some other species of the Ziziphus genus, such as Z. mauritiana Lam., Z. spina-christi Willd, and Z. nummularia Burm. & Jiang, Y.) J. 4) and maintains the high yield at over 15t/ha 35 years later, which is 35 years earlier than this yield could be achieved in a traditional orchard104. & Liu, M. Expression stabilities of candidate reference genes for RT-qPCR in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Consequently, the pure polyploid creation and evaluation period can be shortened by 35 years. By the Han Dynasty (~2000 YA), jujube cultivation had spread throughout North and South China into large commercial cultivation regions and had become the main source of national taxes, with special officials regulating jujube production. Q: Are Jujube trees invasive? Study on the content of polysaccharides in different cultivars, growing periods and organs in Chinese Jujube. ) in a Paulownia and wheat intercropping system. The latter was further divided into Ser. Root distribution and interactions in jujube tree/wheat agroforestry system. Xue, C. et al. Evaluation of five natural variants materials from ziziphus jujuba Mill. Analysis of reducing sugars, organic acids and minerals in 15 cultivars of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Creation of large hybrid populations using male-sterile germplasm as the female parent in jujube. For. The tree can be propagated by seed or root sprout. 41, 8285 (2005). The root system is the main organ of water uptake for the plant. Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 2379), better known as Pliny the Elder, mentioned in his Historia Naturalis that a counselor of the Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus introduced the Chinese date (jujube) for the first time from Syria to Italy; from there it was distributed to other Mediterranean countries and around the Black Sea basin13,14. Soc. Sci. CAB International, Wallingford, p 276, Zamora DS, Jose S, Nair PKR, Ramsey CL (2006) Interspecific competition in a pecan-cotton alleycropping system in the southern United States: production physiology. M.L., J.W., L.W., S.Y., and F.S. The cultivation of fresh jujubes in plastic shelters has resulted in great success in rainy southern China108; this method can greatly reduce the fruit cracking caused by rain at the maturity stage from 70 to <10%.
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