May 17 2017, My People, the instant is no longer instant, it grows short and you go on as if nothing has changed. AS MOTHER, I ASK YOU OBSERVE, AS PART OF YOUR DIET FOR LIFE, THE DAILY NEED TO INGEST VITAMIN C, TO INGEST RAW GARLIC OR GINGER DAILY., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara As Queen of Heaven I appeared to a humble native, who did not keep to himself what his eyes were seeing. After years of abandoning herself to the will of God, Luz de Mara began to suffer the pain of the Cross, which she carries in her body and soul. Entry Last Updated on: Feb. 24, 2020 Oren hijos Mos, oren y sean fraternos con el prjimo. Quin como Dios, nadie como Dios! I GAVE YOU THE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT INGREDIENTS. Se desideri collaborare e aiutarci a tradurli, inviaci une-mail nel nostro modulo di contatto. Christ indicates to us that we must seek a priest and ask him for the blessing of a cluster of grapes or for one single grape, since one blessed grape can feed two people and therefore survive without food, if you have Faith and the creature is properly prepared; this will help for the times of food shortage. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN Thursday, April 4, 2019 Message from St. Michael the Archangel To Luz De Maria. Non tutto il contenuto del nostro sito tradotto, gli articoli editoriali, ad esempio, sono disponibili solo in spagnolo e inglese. Gen. 3,15) JUNTO A MI AMADO SAN MIGUEL ARCNGEL Y A LAS LEGIONES CELESTIALES Y CON USTEDES, HIJOS. October 08 2015, Beloved children, Misused science has penetrated the pharmacological industries so these will dare create vaccines contaminated with viruses so human beings will carry death or diseases with them. March 21 2015, My beloved:I invite you to expand your knowledge. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN! Amen. This gift strengthens perseverance and firmness, trusting totally in God who does not turn away from man.THE GIFT OF THE FEAR OF GODendows the human being with the will necessary to turn away from what leads it to fall into evil, in order to work, live and act in the Divine Will.I call you to take seriously My Words by Divine Will for your good and the salvation of souls.The Devil makes pacts with man to assume new power over humanity and thus come to dominate the world. She calls Communion in hand "the work of the devil." People of God, you will suffer and because of that suffering the great Divine Mercy will send the Angel of Peace. October 14 2015, I love you, My children, I love you so much that I will continue to alert you. Aug 3 2017. Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Cover the newly blessed grapes with a wine brandy. Is Luz de Maria approved by the Catholic Church? I call you to pray and make reparation for young people. Is this not An arm of the antichrist, who desires to eliminate millions of My children through sickness? Receive Me in My Body and My Blood, properly prepared, with full awareness of the need for a real amendment. If oil of oregano is not available, oregano can be boiled to make an infusion; however, the oil of oregano is a better antibiotic. Amadsimos hijos, las fuerzas de la naturaleza actan y actuarn contra la criatura humana ms intensamente. This single religion will eliminate the religion that My Son established. Our Most Blessed Mother, dressed in white in a garment that looks like fine laceI seem to see shapes like roses on Her dress with brushstrokes in light blue pastel the roses I see are more defined. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Be conscious of this instant prior to great events marking the definitive course of humanity that has separated itself from God. Dans certains cas, ils indiquent les usages, les proprits et les contre-indications que possde chaque plante mdicinale. Artculos de Fe y Religin Revelaciones Apariciones. Ask blessed Mother to pray for healing of my family tree, forgiveness of all departed souls and blessing of living blood relations. If you find yourselves sick, sprinkle the food with holy water and keep in mind the use of the medicinal plants My Mother has indicated you use for these unexpected circumstances., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara MY BELOVED PEOPLE, THE WARNING IS APPROACHING AND THE HEARTS ARE NOT MOVED FOR THE LACK OF DISSEMINATION OF THIS ACT OF MY MERCY FOR MY PEOPLE. You Are Inside The Great Tribulation, Quote 214 BVM-Luz de Maria I as a Mother alert them and I am not heard, Quote 204 SMA-Luz de Maria You must have the medicines that Heaven has given you in order to overcome the illnesses that will come, How to consult the Lord. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA. El valor del Don de la Vida es odiado por el Demonio, por ello les pido que se mantengan en alerta. Save your soul - Salva tu alma - Salva la tua anima - Pray the Rosary daily! My children are suffering more frequently from respiratory diseases, which increase, being recurrent and requiring long treatment. My children, HOW HAVE YOU ALLOWED THE FILM INDUSTRY, WITH ITS MEAN TRICKS, WITH ITS POISONED DARTS, TO DESTROY WHAT THE HEAVENLY FATHER CREATED TO LIVE WORTHILY ON THIS EARTH?, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Trying to translate/ open Italian versions of the pages not matter how many times or how many days I try it will not open show in Italian Pray children, pray so that the Word of Our and your King and Lord Jesus Christ is not distorted.Pray children, pray for Hawaii, nature causes the Kilauea volcano to erupt forcefully and the Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes to be shaken.Pray children, humanity is a spectator of the suffering of your brothers and sisters; it will cease being a spectator, with all entering as actors in the history of humanity. At the same time we will console and comfort ourselves with the thought that the time will come when our whole family will be united lovingly with You in heaven forever. Everything is presented falsely with the excuse of a bigger and better evolution for the human organism. February 12, 2012, Plague advances causing havoc, seal yourselves in the Name of My Blood. The world and its machinations have intensified their struggle to lead the People of God astray, since evil swarms throughout the Earth and man enjoys evil.The People of God preserveDIVINE LOVE, not allowing human character to take the first place with its bad temper, selfishness and so much ballast that drags man the wrong way, but being molded in theMANNER OF CHRIST(Eph. Oren hijos Mos, oren para que no teman, sino se fortalezcan en el Amor Divino. He shall not judge by appearances, nor decide by what his ears hear. Do not wait for the Signs announced by My Mother in order to change; there must be change at this instant. Como criaturas de Dios somos tentados, pero Nuestra Madre nos asegura que no caeremos, porque Dios est con nosotros. Oren hijos Mos, oren para que la Fe sea fuerte en ustedes. This way it is easier to conduct a solitary soul towards the wrong paths. BELOVED CHILDREN OF MY IMMACULATE HEART, BE FAITHFUL TO MY SON, WORSHIP HIM AND SEE HIM IN EACH BROTHER AND SISTER; AS MY SONS PEOPLE YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Messages to Luz de Maria - England 4 September 2019 11:15 Desk, Important Notifications, Luz de Maria Luz de Maria ENGLAND REVELATIONS AND PROPHECIES GIVEN TO LUZ DE MARA [See website:] OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 07.14.2018 Pray My children, pray for England, it will dress in mourning. El Demonio arremete con fuerza contra la criatura humana, presentando una escena llamativa, aunque detrs del teln la verdadera escena es otra totalmente diferente: DETRS DEL ESCENARIO QUE LES PRESENTA SE ENCUENTRA EL CAUTIVERIO, EL DOLOR, LA MATANZA, EL CONTROL TOTAL, LA RENUNCIA A MI DIVINO HIJO, LA PERSECUCIN Y CUANTO PUEDAN IMAGINAR DE MALDAD. Some headings titles and links are in Italian at the end of the page but not the pages Luz de Maria: Revelations on Foods & Health (2019) From a Cloud Luz de Maria: Revelations on Foods & Health 04 Jul. Instead, before souls are lost, you must shout out loud: how lost Humanity is! The appetites of taste with respect to food must be controlled. FEBRUARY 14, 2023 - MESSAGE OF THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY TO LUZ DE MARIA Pray for the conversion of the greatest number of human beings "Beloved children of My Heart: I BLESS YOU, I PROTECT YOU, I ASSIST YOU Children, Earth's four cardinal points are protected by St. Michael the Archangel and His Legions. The sun influences the Earth, it stirs the Earth up without you being aware of it, just as it influences the Earths atmosphere. I resolve to receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of every month when possible, and to offer daily five decades of the Rosary, with all my sacrifices in the spirit of penance and reparation. Science has broken through the permitted wall, I look at you, and I grieve. Your Jesus HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN COMMENTARY OF LUZ DE MARIA Brothers and sisters, Tell this to My children to be a blessing for them in moments of food shortage., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara . This is the result of improper manipulation in the laboratories where great experiments are carried out., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara It is necessary that you, People of My Son, be the lights that attract the gaze of the Father to the Earth, so that He sees His faithful in a time of Adoration. 2017 6 Foods and Health: important revelations that Heaven has given us through catholic prophet Luz de Mara de Bonilla. MY LOVING INSTRUMENT, LUZ DE MARA, IS A PROPHET OF THESE LAST INSTANTS. The false prophets will increase and will deny the true instruments; they will bring perdition and bad habits to My people. Humanity has entered the moments of greater pain, which will progress with the passing of the years, until, after the Purification, Peace will come to all and be in all. Keep in mind that the Mercy of My Son is Infinite and that you are the apple of His Eye (cf. If any member of our family should have the misfortune to offend You seriously, please remind him, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Your infinite love and mercy for the penitent sinner. Continue united in fraternity, in the love of our Queen and Mother. Walk in the assurance that evil will never triumph over the Church (cf. Divine Love calls every human being to take up its calls with faith and love, thereby preventing evil from entering you and taking you for its service. COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARA Brothers and Sisters: Our beloved Saint Michael the Archangel nourishes us in spirituality, recalling the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that they would be asked for and so that we might strive for conversion. The past blood moons and the one that you will see again foreshadow the terrible suffering, The earth is shaking strongly leading to volcanoes becoming active and My children suffering, Pray for Central America is shaking. Deben creerlo sin titubear, deben mantener esa Fe de que el Demonio no puede si ustedes no desean. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SINHAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SINHAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN, (*)Revelations about the Angel of Peace: read. Sanctify our joys and comfort us in our sorrows. November 05 2014, You shouldnt be surprised, My children, of My Calls through My Prophet. Remain attentive; volcanic activity increases, as do earthquakes, because the faults that surround much of the Earth are in constant motion, causing them to fracture and to influence each other, augmenting their force and my childrens suffering. MENSAJE DE LA SANTSIMA VIRGEN MARA Tag, Papst an Budapester Uni: Jnger des Wissens hinterfragen Wissen, Wortlaut: Papst in Ungarn an Welt der Wissenschaft & Kultur, Pro Asyl fordert Abschiebestopp von Menschen in den Sudan, Os hngaros amam o Papa, afirma cardeal Erd: somos responsveis pela paz, De volta a Roma, o agradecimento do Papa a Nossa Senhora, Papa: Santa S trabalhar para que crianas ucranianas levadas Rssia voltem para casa, Em 90 segundos, a viagem do Papa Hungria, Papa: um futuro de esperana, no de guerra, cheio de beros, no de tmulos, . IN THIS THIRD FIAT, YOU CANNOT CONSOLIDATE AND ENTER INTO THE CALL THAT THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAKES TO YOU, IF YOU ARE NOT HUMBLE. Beloved children, do not base life in the economy, this false god will fall from one moment to another, and you will realize that you wasted your life in what is superfluous, while the truth is only in My Hands. The different ways, Pope Francis says he did not lose consciousness before hospitalization in March, Ukraines prime minister asks Pope Francis to help bring back children taken to Russia, Ambassador Habsburg: Pope Francis will find a vibrant Christian country in Hungary, Pope Francis: There is no vocation without mission, Vatican announces laypeople, including women, will vote in Synod on Synodality assembly, Pope Francis: Monks and nuns are the beating heart of evangelization, Vatican preparing text for divorced and remarried couples, Cardinal Farrell says, El Papa en oracin en Santa Mara La Mayor a su regreso de Hungra, Papa: La Santa Sede trabajar para que los nios ucranianos llevados a Rusia sean devueltos, La fe y el conocimiento nacen juntos para construir una civilizacin ms humana, El Papa: Tambin hoy existe riesgo de ideologas que no dan libertad, Monseor Szkely: El Papa nos invita a conjugar la defensa de los valores con la caridad, Francisco: Den a los jvenes un futuro de paz y esperanza, no de guerra, Ouganda: un nouvel vque Kasana-Luweero, Nigeria: le Pape nomme un vque auxiliaire Calabar, Cardinal Erd: la venue du Pape a renforc la solidarit et la dignit de lidentit, Franois: le Saint-Sige uvrera pour le retour des enfants ukrainiens emmens en Russie, Devant le monde universitaire hongrois, le Pape invite dvelopper l'humanisme, L'glise byzantine hongroise honore par le Pape, Messe du Pape Budapest: ouvrons les portes dans la lumire de lvangile, Salute, ambiente e lavoro non possono escludersi a vicenda, l'impegno della CEI, Festa di Santa Rita 2023. These cookies do not store any personal information. Exposure to drastic changes in the climate greatly contributes to your bodies being exposed to respiratory complications, but at the same time the hand of man is implicit, spreading chemicals and viruses through the air so that you fall sick more frequently, and these sometimes become mortal for human beings. Put the newly blessed grapes in a glass jar. Her light brown hair was down with waves that seemed to play with a slight breeze that always precedes Her arrival. Children of My Immaculate Heart, science, with its advances, has as its aim, for every human being to be independent without needing his or her brothers and sisters. Changelog: May 04, 2018 An update has been made to the Medicinal Plants Guide: the plant previously translated as White Indigo Berry refers in fact to the Common Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). Saint Michael speaks to each one of us, to our ears, to our hearts, so that we do not follow the world, but so that everyone might manage to make the infinite effort of remaining faithful. Alimenten el deseo de mantenerse en estado de Gracia y de recibir a Mi Divino Hijo en el Sacramento de la Eucarista, previamente preparados. You are the great experiment of the large food industries. St. Michael the Archangel warns us to hasten to change our lives and to strive to become more Christ-like. All the world economies will fall, butas is always the casethe smallest countries are the ones to suffer the most. They lie and deceive humanity with the consuming of foods genetically altered in laboratories, with the only end being to economically increase the industry of these foods, without the majority of men been aware of this. Ciao Peter, grazie per il tuo commento. A LUZ DE MARA 28 DE JULIO DEL 2019 Amados de Dios: COMO HIJOS DE DIOS QUE DESEAN SALVARSE Y CONSTRUIR LA ESPIRITUALIDAD PERSONAL SOBRE LA BASE FIRME DEL EVANGELIO PARA DARSE A SUS HERMANOS, SIENDO CUMPLIDORES DEL PRIMER MANDAMIENTO (Mt 22,37), ES QUE LES LLAMO A PERMANECER ATENTOS. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. May 17 2015, Remain attentive, My beloved; the schism in My Sons Church is near. These men will be full of strength; nevertheless they will not require food. Oct. 05, 2018. August 18, 2013, Waters have been contaminated with nuclear energy, and leaders keep silent DO NOT BE DISTRACTED! YOU MUST NOT FORGET THAT: MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD, WHICH MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH (Ps. COMPARTIR. Keep yourselves constantly vigilant so that the strength of all is one and so that evil is not able to enter into the children of the Most High.HOLDING ONTO THE HAND OF OUR AND YOUR QUEEN AND MOTHER OF ALL CREATION AT THIS INSTANT MEANS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING THE STRENGTH NOT TO GIVE IN. 29 DE ABRIL DEL 2023. La luz negra "se trata de una obra con una trama absorbente y casi detectivesca, . I think it is a meteorite of great size; it is intercepted, but the biggest part goes towards the sea, towards the United State. Continue in the assurance that our King and Lord Jesus Christ loves and protects you. AVE MARA PURSIMA, SIN PECADO CONCEBIDA THIS IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO TURN TO FAITH. TO LUZ DE MARIA. January 2009, I call on you to prepare yourselves. THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDINGenlightens the human creature in order that it penetrates clearly within the truths revealed by God.THE GIFT OF COUNSEL:with which you can discern among the options presented to you - for this you need to attain, with this gift, the knowledge of how to listen to and help your brothers and sisters. Luz de Mara asks our Mother what must we do to make the organism more resistant against the plagues that are coming. "Quando la devozione partecipazione", Pontificia Universit Santa Croce: 300 comunicatori della Chiesa riuniti a Roma, Papa Francesco in Ungheria, il rettore: "Tre i pilastri dell'educazione cattolica", Papa Francesco di ritorno dallUngheria: In corso una missione per la pace in Ucraina, Papa Francesco ha concluso il viaggio apostolico in Ungheria, Il Papa a Budapest incontra il mondo universitario e della cultura, Kardinal Erd zum Papstbesuch: Mit lauterem Herzen fr den Frieden, Papst Franziskus: Kanle fr den Frieden ffnen, Papst Franziskus beendet Ungarn-Reise: Die Highlights am 3. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. whoever enters into my will, making reparation and loving constantly without departing from me, and makes the firm decision to begin a life fused with me, that child of mine is born again and that being born again is to what our house call you in this revelation. In case of contagious diseases (pestilences, plagues, others) anoint the doors and windows with holy oil. October 29 2013, In this instant man is fed to degenerate his body, unknown diseases surging and cancer proliferating at the same time. One step and man will fall into the abyss of evil. A disease is coming that will attack the eyes; for this, use the plant known as EUPHRASIA., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara The Devil is especially attacking the institution of the family (2). You will see natural phenomena that you have not experienced before; in the midst of great suffering, nature itself tries to make the human race convert and renounce the Devil. Although our Yes it is not like that of our Blessed Mother, it is important that we give that Yes for the salvation of souls, because we live in community and can help our brothers and sisters not to fall into the clutches of evil.Amen. You will be King of our hearts by our generous love for You; and we will cultivate this love by the frequent reception of You in Holy Communion. Note: A separate post specific on medicinal plants has been published here. At the same time, spray the oil of the Good Samaritan on what you have chosen to protect your nose and mouth. Be reconciled with Me and give thanks for having been called to live in My Love, from which comes everything that man requires. We are called to stay waiting confidently; life does not stop, everything continues, but "from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more . I call you to pray that human beings would discern and continue to be united to the will of the Father. DO NOT ALLOW IT. I have given you intelligence and the power to reason so that you may take some personal decisions under the light of My Holy Spirit., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara DOUBLE YOUR PRAYERS, FAITHFUL CHILDREN TO ME AND TO MY MOTHER. In this instant mans organism is saturated by bad eating habits, making it a weakening organism and the new diseases causes man a lot of harm. THE WAY OF MY CHILDREN IS A WAY OF GLORY, A WAY OF FAITHFULNESS TO THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, A WAY AGAINST THE CURRENT OF THE WORLD THE WAY OF ALREADY, BUT NOT YET. Dt 32:10b). Hijos, no teman: Try to leave a piece of the stem on the grape. THE DISOBEDIENCE TOWARDS MY MOTHER SHALL BE REPAIRED BY SPREADING HER LOVING WARNINGS., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara The love of our Blessed Mother Mary is beyond human comprehension. PASSIVITY IS A STRONG TENTACLE OF THE ANTICHRIST, HE CRUSHES THE PEOPLES. MESSAGE OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, a celestial body is approaching from space that will alarm humanity. Many are for, due to lack of obedience to the Holy Father, lack of love for the Holy Mass, lack of love for prayer and fasting, not having read the breviary, and I repeat, for the Communion in the hand Pay attention to the words of the Consecration, during Mass. AND AMONG ITS SNARES, ARE THE SECTS, NEW AGE, FREEMASONRY, THE ILLUMINATI, WITCHCRAFT AND EVERYTHING CONTRARY TO THE GOSPEL., The Blessed Mother announced to me a disease that will attack the nervous and immune system causing serious problems on the skin, for which she told me to use the leaf of the NETTLE and GINKGO plants., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara We have called you to protect yourselves from the suns rays and you do not heed. Luz de Mara prophecies for the United States of America, Will be published when approved by a moderator, post specific on medicinal plants has been published here, Senador australiano cree que se vienen muertes masivas por las vacunas (genocidio) . YOU POSSESS THE PLEDGE AND MORE TO COMBAT IT. May 13, 2012, Children, you will hurt when the power and the dominion of the tentacles of the antichrist taints all of humanity, which will undermine the mind and magnetize the thoughts so that men will execute acts contrary to the teachings of My Son. OUR KING AND LORD JESUS HAS ALLOWED CREATION TO MANIFEST ITSELF IN ORDER TO WASH AWAY SO MUCH SIN THAT EXISTS ON EARTH. And when the hour of separation comes, when death brings its sorrows into our family, whether we go or whether we stay, we humbly accept Your divine will. Perhaps the Blessed Grapes are one of many miracles of the end times which the saints of older times referred to in their visions., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Nuestra Madre Santsima nos da la Palabra de fortaleza para que confiemos en Nuestro Seor Jesucristo, en que l es Todopoderoso, Omnisciente, Omnipresente y todo le obedece a l. With scissors, cut grapes from cluster. Las Palabras de Nuestra Madre Santsima son fuertes, fuertes para darnos Esperanza y para que seamos conocedores de Cristo, porque no podemos amar a quien no se conoce. CREAN EN EL PODER DE MI DIVINO HIJO (Cf. Jan. 22, 2019 (Added Apr. It is a large and powerful army; the rest of the world practically shudders at the decisive advance of this army towards Italy. DO NOT FORGET THAT THIS IS THE INSTANT FOR PREPARATION., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Sean ms de Mi Divino Hijo que de lo mundano. Saben que el pecado sobreabunda en esta generacin que desecha cuanto no es de su agrado y cuanto le limita su libertinaje desmedido: sin Dios, sin valores y sin moral. Se encuentran acompaados, como Madre les alerto y los llevo en Mi Corazn. Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May we delivered for all bondages and come to the love of Christ and Sacramental life. Chile, France and Italy are shaken, You shall not covet your neighbors goods, Exorcism: Demon Alliba Teaches Catholic Faith, Exorcism: A Damned Priest Warns About Hell, Exorcism: Demon Beelzebub Teaches Catholic Faith, Exorcism: Demon Akabor Teaches Catholic Faith, Closer look at the fallen angels activity and snares, The First Nine Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary, The Magnificent Promises of the 12 Years Prayers.
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