LinkedIn. These graces are intended to be examples of how to incorporate the need to remember a Brother or their family in the moment of quiet just before a Festive Board. ROB. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. We thank You, too, for this food, and for the fellowship we share. Lord of life and love, as we give thanks for times past, grant us courage to embrace the present and grace to share the future. Lord Jesus, our Redeemer, You willingly gave Yourself up to death so that all people might be saved and pass from death into a new life. We ask you to bless the food we are about to eat, to bless us, and to bless all our loved ones, but especially those who can only be with us in spirit today.Grant us peace and comfort this day, and every day. Strengthen us in the days to come, and help us always to choose the path of goodness provided by our Masonic work. Generally, family and friends attend the funeral service along with other Masonic brothers; even if they did not personally know him, other Masons can pay respect to his life as a member of the Freemasonic fraternity. We are lost for words our hearts broken, our spirits shattered a sorrow that only grows with each passing day as we long for our loved ones presence in our lives. Amen, Almighty God, You have blessed us with food to eat, and the good company of our brothers. Prayer for Our Dearly Departed God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command we return to dust. May Christ, the Son of God, Who died for you take you into His kingdom. Bless, too, all the women in our lives: the mothers, sisters, daughters and friends.Additionally, grant Your blessing, O God, on the food we are about to eat, and on the companionship of this assembly. Pinterest. Through their faith in you, may they accept your will. Please comfort and heal their heavy hearts. Amen. Great Architect be praised, My belly's been raised,An inch above the table And I'll be damned,If I'm not crammed, As full as I am able. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The speaker says, There followed after me to-dayA youth whose feet must pass this way.This chasm that has been as naught to meTo that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be;He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!. Many Masons are honoured after their death with the erection of a heavily symbolic monument at their grave site. In Jesus name, we pray. Creator and provider of all things we thank You for this occasion, and ask your blessing upon the food that has been prepared for us. We'll help you get your affairs in order and make sure nothing is left out. the deceased brother is prepared on which should be inscribed his name, dates of birth, death, initia-tion, passing, and raising, and if affiliated, or affiliation; the fact that the funeral ceremonies were . Both the similarities and differences are striking. We thank you for the food we are about to eat, and the harmony we share. We thank You, too, most especially, for the women in our lives who grace and adorn us with their presence. I thank You for this prayer session and in Jesus name, I pray. Modern readers and hearers should give more thought about reading it through the lens of the Age of Enlightenment in England than a modern, overtly sectarian, or specific creedal lens. Lord, those who die still live in Your presence, their lives change but do not end. Name. There is nothing wrong with using graces that you find in books, or online. In this life you embraced them with your tender love; Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. During the Masonic funeral service, the Masons will don white gloves and aprons. 5. Women have given us life, patiently raised and taught us, and, for the men here tonight, have become fast companions who share both our joys, and our secret tears. So mote it be. Locate the burial place of the deceased Brother (record on index card - Attach. Grant that we may honour these gifts with gratitude in our hearts, and actions governed by Thy guidance, both today, and as we live the days to come. We also thank You for this food, and this time of refreshment together. The main point is made; all die, but there may be a hope of life eternal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not up till the heavens shall be no more. So mote it be. Keep us ever mindful of the brotherhood we share, that we might become better members of our society. Lord, we here all are fit and able, To enjoy this festive table, But ever mindful we shall be, Of those that need our charity. The Masonic funeral draws brother Masons from miles away. On this Thanksgiving Day, we thank you for this food, and for this company of our brothers. And bless this food to our use, and this assembly to thy will. Your Brothers widow and children are part of your family. It continues: Fragrant be the acacia sprig which shall flourish there. Amen, Let us think quietly for a moment of those men and woman who have offered, and offer now their very lives for those principles of Good which we all hold so dear. It begins, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.. Who holds your lifes compass? Amen. Be the Life, Prayer, Bread, Bread of life BASIC PRAYERS The Our Father - This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We thank You for bringing us here tonight to celebrate the women we know, and how they have shaped us with their love. "I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. Amen, Brethren, as we enter Winter, the season of darkness and cold, let us givethanks to God for the warmth we share this evening: warmth that keeps the cold away, and warmth in the fellowship we feel. Prayer For Deceased Brother Prayer For Deceased Brother O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You! As far as I remember, my brother/sister has been with me through all the ups and downs of life. Tonight we call three amongst us BROTHERS for the first time.Assist us, guide our feet to travel the indented pavement so that we all feel safe in your hand.Amen. We thank You Lord for the passing of our brother/sister. Remember, if you don't see the Ashlar "A", it's not authentic. I commend you, my dear [name] to almighty God, and entrust you to your Creator. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Amen, We thank you, O God, that we are able to extend the gift of enlightenment to him who seeks it, and who now joins us as a Master Mason. The old order has passed away: What Are the Duties of a Chaplin in the Masons? 3. May the Great Architect of the Universe bless His gifts to our use, and whilst partaking of His benefits, make us ever mindful of the needs of others. The entire premise of a Masonic funeral is to allow the Mason brethren to show their respect and love for their brother who has passed on and to his family and loved ones. I pray You watch over his/her wife/husband/children/investments on Earth and let Your gaze shift not oh Lord. We know Youre the greatest and Youre the king of all kings. Amen, O Great Architect, grant the blessing of light to the officers of this lodge, both old and new, to its members, and to all those who visit it.Bring us harmony both at labour and at refreshment in the year ahead.Bless this food we enjoy tonight, and keep us ever mindful of our lesson at the NE angle of the Lodge. Father, we bring before You those that have had the devastating experience of having someone close to them that they know and love, suffer a sudden, violent and needless death. Shopping Cart. Describe why your loved one devoted so much of his time to the Masons by sharing Why Did You Knock? at the funeral services. Our Father, which art in Heaven, whose wisdom and goodness manifest themselves in all the works of creation, with reverence we invoke Thy blessing upon Thy children here assembled. Keep us safe, healthy and happy in this troubled world.Thank you for the blessings of this Brotherhood and the evening we are about to enjoy.Keep our minds clear, our bodies fit and our devotions pure.Amen. The Masters Apron by Brother Robert Burns, Other Tips for Planning a Loved Ones Funeral. Amen. Bless this food we enjoy tonight, and keep us ever mindful of our lesson at the NE angle of the Lodge. Accept. These prayers are the product of the Grand Chaplain and the Former District Chaplains Corps. Alfred Lord Tennysons Crossing the Bar could offer a great option. Was the membership of a deceased Mason more to him than wearing a pin or paying dues? The Significance of Frogs in Chinese Culture. Following the eulogy, the Master Mason will speak again, and the chaplain will also offer a final prayer. welcome them into paradise, Amen. Let us also give thanks for the food we eat together.May that warmth and food remind us, though, of those who have neither; and let our prayers always include the poor, the destitute, and those who struggle with their lives. Often, a soldier or commander who fell during a war is given a broken pillar, such as the one displayed in Albany Rural Cemetery, to symbolise the unfinished life. We empower you to efficiently solve each new challenge and make your life better and easier. For more information, please see our Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. By Bro. Amen, Look with favour upon this gathering of brothers, Almighty Father. Although most Masonic funerals are conducted entirely by the Masons, in some rare cases a departed Mason may have a more conventional funeral service outside the lodge. After giving them the grace of mourning, may you gift them with the peace and love of acceptance and comfort. Did your loved one dedicate his life to acts of service? The Masonic brothers will chime in with the final phrase to conclude the service: "So mote it be.". My brother (sister) in faith, I entrust you to God Who created you. they have but passedBeyond the mists that blind us hereInto the new and larger lifeOf that serener sphere.. Here's how to honor your unique loved one. We have much to be thankful for, and we would ask You to help us remember that. Amen, Bless this food, O God, that we may partake of it in harmony, and leave here refreshed and willing to do Your will. Forgive me if it sounded like I was making implications about your faith; no implications were intended. Amen, O God, we thank You that our various paths have brought us together here in harmony this evening. It is not a Masonic poem but it had a moving effect on me and I feel contains points upon we should all ponder. The majority of these prayers are included in our book Generational Prayers - 2022 Edition, which is available in paperback and eBook formats.Visit this page for details.. Come Up Higher and the Exploring Heavenly Places book series provide biblical explanations of our prayers. Even in death, we find renewal, Almighty Father. As the Fraternity moved from specifically Christian to non-sectarian, its thinking members knew that there would be among its members those who had varying religious thought as the Fraternity leaves decisions on faith to the individual member. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. Amen, We thank You for this food, and for this time together, and ask that, You grant us peace and comfort this day, and every day. A Brothers Hand by George B. We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal Let us also remember their families in our prayers, especially their wives who have lost their life companions.O God, be with us as we join together to partake of the bounty you have given us. There is much more to be pointed out and discussed about the actual wording of the prayer and as it relates to some Masonic detractors, but that is a subject for another post.
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