That would explain why its so hard to identify or catch them. Ask Sherlock Holmes. Think of it as a cosmic-level tool to bring attention of specific types of people or individuals to specific things, while hiding the act itself. Which is of course reasonable in principle, especially with animals, except for the fact that it is unclear how you would do that remotely and without a trace with a human, especially a healthy adult. As a person from the Czech Republic, where picking mushrooms is a national pastime more so than in most other countries, this is puzzling to me. The people who were disappeared while on the phone would only be different in the sense that they must have been targeted after they were already outside. Given that the smallest useful sample is about 100 people, it would have to be for a whole U.S. state at least, or for all national parks in a country, since the largest cluster in the Yosemite is currently in the 50s, I believe. How do you keep getting bodies into water without it being seen, ever? The. Paulides shares several perplexing mysteries and investigations. Paulides has classified over 1,440 missing persons cases under the Missing411 label. Paulides also keeps mentioning that he doesnt question the thoroughness of the searches or the dedication and skill of the searchers, or effectiveness of canines or helicopters with FLIR. I certainly intend to investigate this phenomenon further, as well as a range of other things that I may write about in the future. Malevolent gods could theoretically use it to mislead us, but I bet that malevolent gods have a less perfect awareness and more of a self-centered, narrow viewpoint on things. When Paulides subtitled one of his book A Sobering Coincidence, Im pretty sure that he was talking about correlations elements of the cases repeating in multiple cases. Sure, it would be somewhat difficult to hide the act of construction, but again, even your standard government can pull that off. If theres an intelligent perpetrator behind any Missing 411 disappearances, they are likely to know when to lie in wait for people at the times and dates when theres the most opportunity. Maybe a comparison of natural features of these places can yield interesting correlations. Its not at all hard to imagine that in this case, the person got suddenly kidnapped into a flying vehicle and stripped by some sort of non-human entities, was aware of it (which perhaps wasnt supposed to happen) and panicked, burned himself while trying to escape the vehicle or fight the captors, got a heart attack, and died. But still, even assuming that theyre intentional omissions and not just Dave not knowing a fact or Dave keeping a fact to himself in the interest of the family of the victim, its very human. [1] [2] Early life and career And even then, there often still should have been enough time to use the phone to report or record what happened. The question is, why would a sophisticated perpetrator remove (and sometimes return) clothing, and not understand how it works? Errors can be corrected. At the same time, if we ignore abject cruelty, when some major injuries were identified as the cause of death, those might have been done to cover up an invasive medical procedure. On this note, I like Daves more recent approach of looking for almost-Missing 411 cases that are substantiated with hard evidence, like those included in the most recent documentary (featuring the Bigfoot audio recording and the predator photo). Hunters have disappeared from wildlands without a trace for hundreds of years. All of which are attributes that should be connected with strange disappearances, if you think about it. Im really only qualified to speculate on the first question. Watch Missing 411 here free: on the books series written by David Paulides Missing 411 chronicles the unsolved yet eerily s. Or there at least isnt enough evidence for any of these. This can be a standalone subset of cases. Hunters have been disappearing from North American wildlands for hundreds of years, many without leaving a trace. However, after they get lost, I would expect more people with colorful clothing to be found, as it cuts both ways. Does any of that mean that you should dismiss the evidence that hes bringing forward? Not only that, the details of her death, especially how she was found dead in a water tank on the roof of a hotel, mirrored the plot of a Japanese horror movie called Dark Water from 2002, remade in 2005 (Elisa died in 2013). When a Smith family runs into a Smith family, its probably no big deal. This is a tough one because on one hand, I would like to believe Dave that trackers are by and large good enough to always find things like signs of struggle, but on the other hand, no one is perfect. On the most basic level, it makes a lot of sense for a predator of any type or motivation to pick either easy targets (like kids, the disabled, the elderly, or less well-armed hunters), or exceptional targets (for the thrill, challenge, or some kind of interrogative or research value), so these attributes should be expected. Speaking of bizarre and inexplicable, these books and documentaries describe a growing number of cases (now in the low thousands) of people going missing or being found under strange circumstances. As for the specific weird scenarios that were reported, assuming the reports were accurate, they seem to be consistent with there being an organized perpetrator. All 185 cases fit a narrowly defined profile that was refined after researching thousands of missing person reports; these cases are the most difficult, defy common sense, challenge conventional wisdom and remain . !- Maybe its not used on or as effective for children, either because it would certainly kill them, or because their brains arent fully developed yet. At the very least, it would require a vast, perfect conspiracy, and thats never a good go-to explanation. I know I said I wont to go into detail on individual cases, but it would be difficult to comment on the coincidences that Paulides points out without pointing them out. Especially if its only about taking advantage of naturally forming bad weather, as that would then maintain its normal, statistically insignificant rate of incidence. This means that nothing should be taken at face value and that it may be necessary to keep our cards close to the chest not advertising our best leads or next moves, while trying to set up traps for the adversary. But I myself am very interested in what could be called the science of coincidence, so lets talk about what coincidences may mean for a bit. Given that brain damage is almost never involved even in the cases where the Missing 411 subjects were found dead, theres no good explanation for high incidence of amnesia. In the last act, a twist no one saw . Disorientation happened to my son and I four years ago in Germany's Teutoburg Forest. Missing 411: The Hunted. The latter option seems especially plausible, since in none of the recorded calls were any of the victims able to relay any coherent, useful information. Speaking of animals, theres of course the dog whistle or similar techniques that could certainly be used to make a dog run into a forest to make its master follow him, and a variety of more sophisticated technologies currently under development, mainly to be used as forms of crowd control. If those exact statistics arent available, similar ones should exist to give us an estimate. Neurology-based research and technology would also help explain why the causes of death are so difficult to identify in many of these cases. At most, they managed to say that someone is following them, but not exactly who or where they are, or if they described a specific location, they were already gone within moments (if the location they gave was accurate in the first place). Oh and sorry about all this, if youve ever intended to go into a forest again. Especially if the body wasnt even found by dedicated searchers, but by random hikers or passersby after the search was over. If that could be scaled up or turned into a realiable technology, then who knows, maybe it could be possible to cause coincidences, or they could be a side effect of some type of probability-based technology being used. The exotic options would all be variations on the person entering some sort of portal or spacetime warp or legitimately teleporting. The lack of visible damage to the bodies would in this context indicate either that the exam or procedure was neurological in nature (like an MRI scan), interrogative (interviewing the subject), or otherwise non-invasive (like a DNA swab). I do agree with Dave that it is safe to assume that places typically get named for a reason, especially if the name sounds ominous, like Devils, Demons, or Hells something or other. If there is evidence that something weird was going on with the dog, thats the part that should be focused on, in my opinion presence of inexplicable evidence is always more interesting than a correlation alone. Missing 411- The Devil's in the Detail, 2014 The latter possibility would imply that even if there werent significantly many of them within the sample in comparison to all people or all park visitors, there may be a specific, several centuries-old genetic reason or personal grudge involved. From that point of view, this profile point should always be analyzed together with other variables. Overall, the whole dog connection is interesting, but not useful without other evidence. Forests being bigger and unmarked could certainly be an issue, just like the number and type of local predators or overall crime rates in the area, and maybe thats something that should be statistically analyzed using data that I dont have at the moment (comparing forests where people go missing versus those where they dont go missing based on these criteria). But even then, dogs can simply fail in some cases, meaning that this profile point alone is never truly a conclusive proof of something unusual going on with the case. How do you infuse high amounts of drugs into a body quickly and stealthily (or extract all of the blood, for that matter)? Or that there was stasis involved. Put simply, this profile point is something that makes it harder to find a missing person and easier for people to get more lost. The science is almost there. A) the terrain is incredibly difficult to search 100% due to rocks, deadfall etc. The main analytical problem with using this as a profile point is that while it is a good place to start, the fact that the person wasnt found is a better indicator of which variables prevent people from being found, more than it is an indicator of why or how they got lost in the first place. Director Michael DeGrazier Writers Michael DeGrazier David Paulides Stars David Paulides Beverly Messick Rob Messick For starters, it keeps changing, on a whim, basically, so you have to constantly keep guessing how it works. In the case Elisa Lams death, around the time of her death, NIH was using a test called LAM-ELISA in the area to deal with a tuberculosis outbreak. At the risk or irritating the given god. The dog returning back safely also makes sense in the context of human or other intelligent predation, since when someone is interested in a particular person as a target, they dont have any obvious reason to also hurt their dog (other than to make it run into the forest as a distraction). But I totally agree with Dave that the disappearing-while-on-the-phone stuff is weird. In any case, since many of the missing in cities were students, maybe they were targeted at school. If you are some sort of wildman creature, you may want to do something primal, like hunt someone to eat them, kidnap someone as a mate or a kid to raise as part of your tribe, get rid of a witness, or attack someone for fun or because they did something to offend you. If a person disappeared from a place like a pub, then the perpetrators were either lying in wait on the location, possibly cooperating with whoever is operating the establishment, or they were again following the target person beforehand and waited for him to go to a social event. Perhaps an evidence of that could be uncovered for some of the cases, for example by checking any street footage for suspicious vehicles outside of the victims residence. What an apt name, by the way, SADS. However, if you are running some sort of medical experiment, the three most logical things to do are to get a DNA sample (ideally reproductive cells), to perform a neurological exam, and to get a stool sample, which includes the gut bacteria. Which sort of plays into the possibility that Dave often mentions of people dying essentially of fear, like when being kidnapped and burned by what may seem like aliens, even if it were human agents. The potentially unusual elements connected to this profile point are the speed at which someone got lost after they got out of sight, which sometimes appears to be downwards of a minute, and the instances that seem to indicate that some luring or messing with ones mental or physical state took place. The AI then has to adapt, and will probably never be able to do so perfectly and permanently. Its quite possible that the population of people who visit national parks differs significantly from the whole population of the given states or countries under normal circumstances. Ideally the kind of evidence that proves that the dogs should have been able to pick up the scent, but didnt, like in the cases when a dead body was later found in an area after it was combed through with standard search dogs or cadaver dogs. Heck, theres even a consensus in the cryptid community, as far as I can tell, that while bigfoot-type cryptids find themselves ethically speaking on the same range as humans (including benevolence), dogmen and skinwalkers are almost always strictly malevolent, or at least much more aggressive and dangerous. There is mounting evidence that states of mind affect probability of external events, making it fluctuate. Which makes you think what could have happened to those who were not returned. The unusual death following a plot of a movie, an unusual plot, moves this coincidence to about a bit odd to the sixth power. But its true that on the other, more paranoid hand, if the storms are somehow being caused (or foreseen and taken advantage of) to thwart searches, them succeeding in thwarting searches is not a disqualifying factor. But if theyre after exceptional (and therefore potentially valuable) targets, they cant hide that, or even necessarily be able to do without specific targets, however unlikely those target people are to get lost or succumb to the elements. This invokes a motivation or mentality that either has something to do with genetics or culture, or a specific grudge. People dont have good reasons to lie down on their faces and Paulides is correct to point out that corpses in water can offer a lot of reliable information about the deceased person. In this light, it would only be strange if the person who felt unwell then traveled huge distance, which would be incongruous, or if the person was later found alive and healthy, but with no memory of what happened. Yes, you are supposed to be thinking of Dirk Gently. This includes a number of cases of divers not finding the body, but random people on the shore finding it afterwards. If you enjoyed it, there are several Missing 411 Books too! The longer this series of deaths goes on globally, the less likely it is that its all just a result of someones bad or good luck. The question is not so much whether someone can have or be using such technology, since the recent sonic attacks at U.S. embassies across the world prove that the capability exists. Former police detective David Paulides was initially brought on to investigate the circumstances around the many mysterious disappearances - here he presents the haunting true stories of hunters experiencing the unexplainable.Missing 411: The Hunted is based on the book by Paulides, which documents 185 cases of missing peoples from four . Overall, the cases that he selected seem to correctly rule out normal cases based on details like there not being low-enough temperatures at all, people getting undressed too quickly after disappearing (before the cold could have set in), or people traveling absurdly long distances after they removed some articles of their clothing, especially if that included shoes or boots in rough terrain. Missing 411- David Paulides Presents Cases from Minnesota (Stateley), Yosemite and Alaska (Perkowski) Canam Missing Project. This is another strong profile point. This is a suspiciously good record. For the first three-fourths or so of the documentary, we're under the impression that they seem to be easy targets for killers or maybe incredibly accident prone. That would be bad enough if done systematically by some sort of human agency, but the inside-out clothing indicates that it really might not involve humans, or at least not exactly us, modern-day humans (insert your favorite sci-fi modifier here). Research is how we get to know things. Furthermore, if I understand the abstract of the U.S. study correctly, 5% of autopsy reports in the U.S. list the cause of death as undetermined, even though the real number of undeterminable deaths is much lower than that. Im personally not an expert on animal behavior, but as I was told by a biochemist, nothing in biology is 100%. This profile point may be one of the more normal ones, as it makes a lot of sense that if you have a dog with you and the dog for whatever reason decides to run off into the forest, you chasing after it can rather easily lead to you getting lost. How do you manipulate lividity of a corpse, like achieving none? And oh my, is there a lot of anomalous data in the world that serious scientists tend to ignore or refuse to engage with. Cherry-picking in this context would be for example assuming that Bigfoot is taking all these people, and then looking for all the cases in which the missing person seems to have been mysteriously abducted, and ONLY such cases. Especially if youre an expert with answers. gryff42. Mostly, they just managed to say something like oh my gosh, or my phone is about to go dead, or gave out unsettling noises. Which brings me to a statistical issue that I think Dave got wrong. In either of these scenarios, the result will look the same. But I think theres more to it than that. Then it begins to be odd. scientists or drones, in order to hide from humanity, youd need a place where you can hide. Meanwhile, after Dennis went missing, the Key family, looking for bears some distance away, saw a dark man-type figure carrying something on its shoulder, a key piece of the puzzle. Maybe if in all of the cases, the phone lost charge too quickly, it would be less strange, but thats only the case sometimes. Some have their remains found miles away from where they disappeared from, others are gone without a trace. Much like it is with Daves trust in the ability of searchers to conduct proper searches, Dave also doesnt question the ability of canines to find scent. Dennis disappeared while Martin kids were playing with the other Martin kids. Open for submissions from anyone with something to say about where were headed or the nature of time or history. It would be an annoyingly good crime, however, as it is very difficult to prove such crime for the above-mentioned reasons. For starters, in all of the cases where dogs couldnt pick up the scent and then the search was unsuccessful, the direction of causality could be that dogs not finding the scent should decrease the chance to find the missing person. Objects can spontaneously teleport, its just very, very, very unlikely. The comparison actually needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and whats normal for national park visitors in general, as well as it needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and a control sample of non-Missing 411 missing people, ideally controlled by location (park vs. rural vs. urban). This would also explain why it happens in only some cities you cant simply improvise it anywhere without having the infrastructure. This dense forest is where three Roman Legions were massacred by Germanic tribes in 9 A.D. Cases with positive evidence of the impossible (facts gleaned from autopsies, missing being found in unlikely places, etc.) You have no reason to want their poop, specifically. Thats roughly a bit odd to the fourth power. Finally, if you think about it, its important to understand that human clothing can be confusing to a highly intelligent, highly scientifically advanced species who has studied us for ages. David Paulides presents the haunting true stories of hunters experiencing the unexplainable in the woods of North America. This one is of course extremely tragic, but that only gives you literally all of the reasons why everyone should study this. Theres bound to be a normal percentage of cases in which the trackers simply fail to locate evidence that is present in the area. It may even be an intelligence-type operation, specifically, which means that there could be an effort to avoid statistical detection or to obscure the true motivation by introducing false leads and using all kinds of misdirection, if not outright destruction of evidence, intimidation, or assassination. A lot of the draw of Missing 411 is the mysterious nature of not only people vanishing, but something extraordinary at play. The fact that they were never identified or caught is also the first indication of their organization. And even if the name is just related to the remoteness, more remote and hard-to-get areas would mean the most difficult search environments. It has many of the Missing 411 hallmarks Adamski disappeared while on a walk and was last seen in the afternoon, only to turn up five days later, dead, on top of a coal pile located in a town twenty miles away. This profile point doesnt sound necessarily unusual to me, since in any scenario, it has to be much more likely that a missing persons case will remain unexplained when the person disappeared while being alone and out of sight, while any intelligent perpetrator would wait for that moment. Worldbuilder, magister, change catalyst. And dont even get me started on synchronicity and how you absolutely would want to use systemic coincidences in order to manage a simulated (or similarly controlled) world. It makes for good storytelling, and beyond that, its important to understand that everyone has a bias. Given that some cases indicate third-party involvement (like the inside-out clothing, children unable to undress themselves, or clean socks while traveling miles), the latter option, however unlikely and disconcerting, must be considered. This implies that the way in which these people disappear involves their rapid incapacitation, or at least severe confusion. The most common report from adults, adult women specifically, is that of being stalked by weird or strange men. It should never be tens of percent. I mean, beyond the obvious connection to large bodies of water and boulder and rock formations. Think of reading a missing persons newspaper section with key adjectives sprinkled in. Finally, the seemingly most ridiculous element of all of these stories, the stool sample, is a clear sign of organization. Anything to do with poop may be inherently silly, but as recent advances in medical science show, gut microbiome is essential for our physical health and it interacts with our brain, affecting our mood. The main two cases involving multiple odd coincidences are the disappearance of Dennis Martin and the death of Elisa Lam. Similarly, I would also like to see a chart of Missing 411 cases by date of disappearance, or ideally both date and time, so that theres more to compare again with normal disappearances, and in the case of dates, also with tourist and hunting seasons, like any numbers of how many tourists or hunters can be found in the forest at what time of year. Thats how learning works. Scientists do this all the time. I will discuss this in more detail when I get to related profile points like the role of bad weather. These coincidences may of course ultimately mean nothing, or they can have nothing to do with what caused the disappearance or death even if they by themselves are more than just a fluke of random chance. This type of research is frequently used in not only social science in order to formulate hypotheses, or in this case a criminal profile. In a normal sample of deaths, youd expect roughly 500 unexplained deaths in 500,000. Perhaps the only type of thing that Dave tends to do thats somewhat less than ideal is that in his descriptions of the cases, he sometimes omits facts that point toward more mundane explanations. As for any data points or theories that may shed some light on why the clothing tends to be missing, the only explanations provided by the survivors of something like a Missing 411 incident are either that they removed it themselves (without understanding why and later regretting it), or the story of one little girl that a dog/wolf man ate some articles of her clothing. Upon reading the Eastern book, it is really simplistic and pretty cut and dry. At its core, Missing411 is the vague claim that something unusual is occurring related to deaths and disappearances in national parks.
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