Commitment to each other and dedication to your relationship are important for your sense of security as a couple. Their love When they do have sex itll be aggressive and passionate. Be careful not to let others dictate the course of your relationship by allowing yourselves to be overly swayed by others opinions. You have a strong sense that this relationship was fated or meant to be. Without clear-cut plans and activities, this dynamic energy can easily become restless and impatient energy. They are each others side kick and best friend. We met 20 years later than we were supposed to. Others may think you are together for practical or intellectual reasons rather than emotional ones because of the image you project. Venus represents areas of life where you derive the most pleasure, and the seventh house represents the relationship itself. Do they jump right into new experiences, or are they more cautious? In its most positive expression, this relationship is one in which both individuals feel supported and strong. Candle lit love making and passion are all the name of the game. It can be sickening to outsiders sometimes. Other people will take notice of the tension between them, especially in the beginning. There is a great deal of libido responses when around each other, making them more fertile. Out of all kinds of people they meet, they will feel something special about their connection. The fact is, they have been eating at you for some time, but you havent been able to bring them to the light. look at each other. You are a real couple. The mental component of this relationship is strong, and you are very much involved in one anothers daily affairs. Not the most reliable couple around, you dont like to be bound by schedules and rules. Composite Mercury in the 6th House. Defining whats yours and whats mine is a challenge, as there is an attempt to merge together on a deep level. we also have a scorpio rising, leo sun. Composite Sun in the 1st House. However that is where the tricky-ness occurs with this aspect. Venus in the composite 8th house is such a romantic, Priapus is a nice complement to your Moon/Pluto and Moon/Priapus, I tend to see Lilith as a female Pluto from a certain point of view. Expressing yourselves sexually and creatively comes naturally, and inhibitions in these areas are unlikely unless Mars is seriously challenged. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. Then in draco overlay 1st partner ascendant now overlays in 6th house while now the 2nd partner overlays in 7th house. love you seen in movies or read about in novels. This can work out nicely when theres other less dramatic contacts. They feel a sense of loyalty and understanding for the Moon then they would for most people. You tend to make impulsive emotional decisions when together, and this gives an intimate and personal quality to the relationship that is intense and pronounced. They have something they need to work out together, and the 8th house does not always guarantee a happy ending. But if the Moon is in the 12th, and the Sun is squaring some of that Scorpio, then it could also signify some possessiveness, emotional drama, and jealously that threatens to overwhelm the relationship. Still, you are possessive of one another. This is because you stimulate strong feelings in each other. Problems can arise if you over-identify with your image of being the perfect couple who is living happily ever after. The War is always started by petty things said and done too, so try not to be completely immature with this aspect. As a couple, you project an open-minded, fun-loving, and adventurous image. Originally posted by sarcastic-ironically-blog, Soul mate & karmic relationship point synastry /composite/ Davison, tried this out w some1 who has semi+sextile aspects w me & same w them. Both people immediately take notice of one another. Whether it is a long-term relationship or a brief affair; itll leave both people transformed. Your immediate, instinctive responses to each other and to daily stimuli are largely mental. We have osc lilith and BML conjunct one another in Leo in the first and they conjunct the moon - incidentally this conjuncts both our natal moons. It is natural to feel very comfortable with one another, as if you have known each other long before you actually have. You are both intuitive and practical. You act responsibly towards each other, and towards those around you. Your combined philosophy of life tends to be quite realistic and practical. Some possible themes are discussed. Moody reactions to each other are something to watch for. My vertex also conjunct his sun. Also, his natal vertex is the same degree conjunct the composite sn and Chiron while my natal vertex is conjunct the composite moon, Venus, and POF. It causes much steam. Composite Uranus in the 6th House. They can be be that couple who has some fiery, epic arguments. The draco chart can come out in certain points during the persons life, triggered by certain transits or relationships. Another way of looking at it is that things do tend to balance themselves out over time, even if they seem imbalanced at the moment. Theyre hard to hide. When the planet Pluto meets with the Sun in an exact aspect there is an intense almost fated quality about the relationship. They are able to put themselves in each others shoes. the relationship will be roses and a walk on a beach. You want attention from each other. Composite Moon in the 9th House. You may find that you feel insecure when either of you connects with others or expresses independence. (Neptune conjunct sun natal synastry ) Then Neptune trine or opposite Sun draco synastry. They could have met at an inconvenient time, but still decide to come together anyways. the end of the world. There can be hate sex, if there is other negative contacts to this one. There is an inherent inequality in the way you talk to one another, and this is something that needs to be handled or else you may end up picking away at each other with criticisms and nagging. How you nurture each other and express emotions with one another is a major element of your relationship. There may be a secretive quality to your relationship. Pluto takes an obsessive interest in the Moon person just like the Sun-Pluto. However, emotions flying all around you can cause some chaos. They are a classic and romantic pairing. Its definitely an aspect which brings pure emotional responding to each other, especially in the heat of the moment. Long walks, hand in hand and cuddling. This position can bring challenges that most people find very difficult to deal with. It can tend to make people act in childish ways simply because the other person drives them nuts. Do your best not to neglect more spiritual elements of your connection. They feel like the luckiest couple around. Obviously, I thought this man was my soulmate. Composite Ascendant in Cancer. This is an excellent position for the Composite Sun when the relationship is a love affair. 1181 Lilith is conjunct the vertex in . They reveal a whole other world to the Sun that change their view and mindset in a big way. You need lots of attention from each other, and you are generally willing to give each other just that. You also tend to enjoy spending plenty of time together on the home front. In the beginning this can be kind of sexy to have. they're in the sign of scorpio! The above descriptions can be used, but always keep in mind the nature of the planet or luminary involved. Composite Mars in the 10th House. Death can also be a theme. There can be a nervous energy present in your relationship that, if not handled well, can lead to bickering and nagging. Insecurities and hurts can seem to apparently come out of nowhere. The love between the two can not be measured or pinned down. A bit of drama colors your interactionsalways! The Sun shines a light into Plutos subconscious mind and can see straight through them, nonsense and all. Whether or not it moves towards a more committed, traditional partnership depends on other factors in the composite chart. You come across as a rather unassuming couple. You may have a lot of energy for completing tasks, routines, and work done together. stalking and potentially sexual violence. UNFORTUNATELY it has a Romeo/Julia twist. The way that the Mars person advances on the Venus person can make them flat out uncomfortable. What is a draco chart in astrology ? JavaScript is disabled. Black Moon Lilith Conjunct the North Node in Synastry. challenge usually with this placement, which means that the couple will be You project a practical and reliable image. However, it also has the potential of being quite challenging, as it tends to pull two people together in such a way that either or both feel almost as if they have lost their personal identity. This is a powerful relationship that has the potential of being a true one-to-one partnership. Pride can keep you from addressing very important problems in your relationship, so do watch for this. Many relationships with this position are unequal in power in some manner, where one person does more sacrificing to be with the other, where there is a significant age difference, where there is a secret affair, for example. Do your best to watch for the tendency to eat your words when you feel dominated or when your needs are pushed to the side. married or the relationship is not ideal in other ways. Composite Ascendant in Taurus. The subject will go through life facing constant intense triangular relationships that will either make or break them. The female in this contact can become more fertile like those mentioned above. Either or both of you may sometimes crave more intimacy or romance in your communications with each other, but, at the end of the day, it likely feels good to count on each other to be fair in your dealings. All because one of them said/did something the other person didnt approve of. You have come together to enjoy yourselves and to boost each others egos. One of you may talk down to the other, or there can be a heavy emphasis on talking about problems, burdens, and responsibilities instead of more light-hearted and happy conversations. This relationship inspires you to move, learn, and search. This can come out in the forms of manipulation and power struggles. amazing, and they really connect on a different level. Some may find the relationship lacking somewhat in depth or intimacy, as emphasis is on the rational world of logic and intellect. In fact, you can develop nontraditional and even breakthrough ways of living and working together. Composite Sun in the 4th House. In fact, if they do know it exists, they are unlikely to understand what it is all about. If heart break happens here, then it can leave one or both parties souls Much of the time, putting faith in one another brings you joy. The Sun falls for the Pluto because of those reasons. Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. The Moon finds beauty and warmth from the Venus. Sometimes, if the Composite Moon is challenged, there can be a lot of emotionality but not a lot of understanding. Screaming at each other in a very public place. They very much understand each others emotional and security needs. Both planets feel primal and primitive traits of animal and man. Composite Sun in the 3rd House. Fears of betrayal or loss of the partnership can lead you to very negative states of mind and even underhanded tactics with each other. In order for this partnership to function best, however, neither of you should try to force a commitment from the other. The above descriptions can be used, but always keep in mind the nature of the planet or luminary involved. Venus conjunct Mars is considered to be a marriage and major sexual attraction aspect. immense feeling within them, that they found their true love. This particular aspects potency depends on other mars and venus contacts going on in the synastry charts. The two people generally tend to want to be alone together often. At worst, the energy of your chemistry encourages you to be negligent or unreliable. They go into total warrior mode when anyone messes with their lover. There's love too of course! They rarely tire of each other. Composite Venus in the 12th House. They joke around a lot and can be seen smiling often at one another. They can have differences when it comes to raising their children, or have conflicting views on marriage and children. You are warm, tender, and sympathetic towards one another, ultimately giving each other the benefit of the doubt. Although you may dream a lot together, putting plans into action is your weak point. It just exists on a deep, profound level. Composite Venus in the 7th House. They love to do anything together. They can feel like the Mars is emotionally abusive in some extreme situations. You are flexible with one another, and you give each other much freedom. Still, one or either of you may wish for more intimacy from each other and less freedom! Initial reluctance, self-consciousness, or general reticence may have characterized the beginning of this partnership. Romance, mutual appreciation and admiration, and a spirit of fun are at the heart of the relationship. Sexual chemistry is likely overt. It also shows how the couple copes with daily ups and downs. In some cases, the relationship begins just fine, but there is a sense of being blocked by the outside world or by circumstances. You may have expensive taste, or you might encourage each others indulgent side. For example, the Composite Moon represents the emotional nature of the relationship, and sometimes its expression is mostly through the woman or the person who is in a more receptive role in the relationship. This aspect helps greatly tone down any negative aspects existing in the synastry. This can take its toll over the long term. Sexual attraction to one another runs high and is unlikely to burn out. Its important to let each other express themselves spontaneously. I think your Lilith opp. As a couple, you project a confident, proud, and warm aura. Dealing with imbalances is an inescapable part of your relationship, and its best to use strategies to do so without inflicting or absorbing guilt. You naturally lean on each other for support and encouragement. negative aspects then there will be extreme themes of jealousy, obsession, This could lead to mood swings and being moody if ungrounded or to living on the full spectrum of emotional possibilities available to a human if grounded. The drive to enjoy yourselves is strong in this relationship. They are allowed to be themselves in this relationship. You may be quite romantic or demonstrative with this position of Venus. However, humans are imperfect, and complete faith is hard to keep up all of the time. Such paring indicates an off and on again relationship. If other positions suggest a more emotional bond between the two of you, then this position adds a happy and friendly boost to your interactions. WOW! It may not display this or other websites correctly. Found in the buried twelfth house, vague feelings of discontent that are hard to pinpoint can undermine your relationship. This may have been a relationship that had a hard time getting off the ground. If there are any negative contacts connected to this one, then beware of jealousy. There is a distinctly practical side to your relationship. The draco synastry is more heavily felt when there are tying contacts to the regular tropical (natal / birth charts ) tight orb Conjunctions in draco with other connecting aspects like (trine , opposition ) there is magnetic pull to relationship and at first it might not be apparent what the relationship is meant for but over time the draco chart feelings will be played out more in the relationship. This slush that can take the form of resentment can undermine your relationship if youre not careful. At times, the relationship may lack a sense of peace, as there is a surge of energy generated when you are together that can be hard to ignore. For the most part, however, you truly enjoy each others company. The inner witch in each of us. It can be a real challenge to develop predictable routines in this relationship. ), rather than address the deeper anger issues, which can easily become areas of irritation and anger. They feel responsible to take care of the Moon. You are a reliable, steadfast, and steady couple. Since the Moon is the mother in astrology, and also ruler of Cancer. Composite Mars in the 8th House. One thing is for sure in my relationship: Sex is really, really hot and enduring!!! The feelings you have for each other, and the emotions generated between the two of you, run deep. They care for each other deeply, and selflessly. You have come together to learn about your own deepest feelings and needs, and this may not always be pleasant! can grow so deep over time that if anyone tries to force them apart it becomes can hold a lot of envy from outsiders. This aspect is often seen between two people who become obsessed with one another. This aspect if at a tight orb can be EXTREMELY life changing. They feel like they were destined to be together and just feel each other is the bees knees. Composite Ascendant in Aquarius. There could also be an undercurrent of guilt running through this relationship. An underlying competitiveness between the two of you can develop. The best way to keep this relationship feeling alive and vital is to give one another a lot of specialized attention, but also the freedom to express yourselves as individuals. This contact can pull both parties through hell and leave them completely changed forever. If a man's Lilith conjunct a woman's Venus, she would feel much the same as the ASC. Composite Venus in the 5th House. Saturn represents, amongst other things, restrictions in a relationship. Schedules and routines are rebelled against, and it can be hard to feel organized with one another. This is also the case with the composite Ascendant (as well as the composite Midheaven). Your responses to one another are rational and logical, and as such, you dont come across as an especially intimate couple. Venus conjunct Jupiter in synastry is considered one of the best aspects to have. Nevertheless they are very attracted to each other early on and only time and other contacts will tell the longevity of the connection. On a personal level, this is a somewhat challenging position for Mars, as one or both of you may feel put upon by the other. Jupiter expands whatever it touches therefore there is a lot of love here. Simply being in one anothers presence heals pain. Do your best to avoid the shadow side of this position: manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness. One persons helpfulness may be welcomed at first, but resentments can build over time. Stifling one anothers feeling of freedom of expression is one of the worst things you can do. Conversations between the two of you are generally playful and lively. Originally posted by soulmates-twinflames. Or vice versa. The Moon is the soul, and our safety balm of deep comfort and contentment. This is because of the immense joy both parties experience when they are together. They tend to spoil one another and feel like theyre on cloud nine. Mars makes the moon feel safe and protected. This relationship is life-changing in that if it were to end, you will take something from it and feel that you are somehow a different person. In the composite only our venus and moon are conjunct in the 12th. The sun though can be viewed as egotistical over time and Pluto is viewed as controlling or possessive. In a natal chart, Black Moon Lilith represents a person's primitive impulses and behavior in their rawest form. The love here if Venus has positive aspects The Sun sees the Pluto as mysterious and sexy. Then Venus conjunct Pluto draco synastry. Possessions may be a source of conflict between you. This Is one of those relationships where you can expect to over do it sometimes with the love expression. There is a good chance they see each other as soul-mates. They may feel like they havent been as fulfilled in the bedroom before they met each other. Together, you are perhaps more optimistic than you are individually. So when there is a romantic attraction involved, these people will seriously annoy the hell out of each other, but they do love each other. In natal astrology, there is always a danger of over-identifying with the image one projects to others through the Ascendant. The sex is likely to happen quickly. Composite Mercury in the 1st House. The moon person is attracted to the Lilith person but can quickly feel afraid or unsafe. Plutos morbid-ness stirs emotional responses in the Moon. On top of it sun and venus conjunct his venus on his ascendant and his moon is on my asc. Although it may not ever feel like a true partnership or commitment with each other, the spirit of acceptance generated between the two of you makes you feel appreciated. Composite Sun in the 7th House. They both want to know about each others deepest darkest secrets and what makes each other tick. Physical proof of love for each other may be demanded, as the second house is a practical, tangible, and earthy house. Composite Mars in the 3rd House. Mutual support is essential to your relationship, and if you ever sense this basic ingredient is going by the wayside, do your best to get it back. You may often feel that the emotions between the two of you are on display in some way. Your main drive is to have fun with each other, and this feeds the love you have for one another. There are a lot of lessons learned in the union if they manage to stick together through some of the possible toxicity. Moon conjunct Sun / Moon quintile Sun / Moon septile Sun / Moon novile Sun / moon sextile sun / moon trine sun / moon opposite sun, Moon conjunct moon / moon sextile moon / moon trine moon / moon septile moon / moon novile moon / moon quintile moon / moon opposite moon, Moon conjunct ascendant / moon sextile ascendant / moon trine ascendant / moon septile ascendant / moon novile ascendant / moon quintile ascendant, moon conjunct descendant / moon sextile descendant / moon trine descendant / moon septile descendant / moon novile descendant / mon quintile descendant, Sun conjunct ascendant / sun quintile ascendant /sun septile ascendant / sun novile ascendant sun sextile ascendant / sun trine ascendant, Sun conjunct descendant / sun quintile descendant /sun septile descendant / sun novile descendant / sun sextile descendant / sun trine descendant, Venus conjunct ascendant / venus trine ascendant / venus sextile ascendant / venus quintile ascendant / venus septile ascendant / venus novile ascendant, Venus conjunct descendant / venus sextile descendant / venus trine descendant / venus septile descendant /venus novile descendant /venus quintile descendant, Moon conjunct venus / moon septile venus / moon sextile venus / moon trine venus / moon novile venus / moon quintile venus / moon opposite venus, Neptune conjunct ascendant / neptune trine ascendant / neptune sextile ascendant / neptune septile ascendant / neptune novile ascendant / neptune quintile ascendant, Moon conjunct pluto / moon trine pluto / moon sextile pluto / moon septile pluto / moon novile pluto / moon quintile pluto, Sun conjunct pluto / sun trine pluto / sun sextile pluto / sun septile pluto / sun novile pluto / sun quintile pluto, Venus conjunct pluto / venus sextile pluto/venus trine pluto / venus septile pluto / venus novile pluto / venus quintile pluto, Mercury conjunct pluto / mercury sextile pluto / mercury trine pluto / mercury septile pluto / mercury novile pluto / mercury quintile pluto, Venus conjunct mars / venus sextile mars / venus trine mars / venus septile mars / venus quintile mars / venus novile mars, Moon conjunct neptune / moon sextile neptune / moon trine neptune / moon septile neptune/ moon novile neptune / moon quintile neptune, Sun conjunct neptune / sun trine neptune / sun sextile neptune / sun septile neptune / sun novile neptune / sun quintile neptune, Sun Conjunct venus / sun sextile venus / sun trine venus / sun septile venus / sun novile venus / sun quintile venus / sun opposite venus, Moon conjunct mars / moon trine mars / moon sextile mars / moon septile mars / moon novile mars / moon quintile mars / moon opposite mars, Pluto conjunct ascendant / pluto sextile ascendant / pluto trine ascendant / pluto novile ascendant / pluto septile ascendant / pluto quintile ascendant, Venus conjunct neptune / venus trine neptune / venus sextile neptune / venus septile neptune/ venus novile neptune / venus quintile neptune, Moon conjunct saturn / moon trine saturn / moon sextile saturn / moon septile saturn / moon novile saturn / moon quintile saturn, Sun conjunct saturn / sun trine saturn / sun sextile saturn / sun septile saturn / sun novile saturn / sun quintile saturn, Venus conjunct saturn / venus trine saturn / venus sextile saturn / venus septile saturn / venus novile saturn / venus quintile saturn, Neptune conjunct saturn / neptune trine saturn / neptune sextile saturn / neptune septile saturn / neptune novile saturn / neptune quintile saturn, Venus conjunct uranus / venus trine uranus / venus sextile uranus / venus novile uranus / venus quintile uranus / venus septile uranus, Moon conjunct uranus / moon trine uranus / moon sextile uranus / moon septile uranus / moon novile uranus / moon quintile uranus, Saturn conjunct ascendant / saturn trine ascendant / saturn sextile ascendant / saturn novile ascendant / saturn septile ascendant / saturn quintile ascendant, Ic conjunct moon /ic trine moon / ic sextile moon / ic septile moon / ic novile moon / ic quintile moon / ic opposite moon, Ic conjunct sun /ic trine sun / ic sextile sun / ic septile sun / ic novile sun / ic quintile sun ic / ic opposite sun, Juno conjunct moon / juno trine moon / juno sextile moon /juno novile moon / juno septile moon / juno quintile moon, Juno conjunct sun / juno trine sun / juno sextile sun /juno novile sun / juno septile sun / juno quintile sun, Juno conjunct venus / juno trine venus / juno sextile venus /juno novile venus / juno septile venus / juno quintile venus, Juno conjunct neptune / juno trine neptune / juno sextile neptune /juno novile neptune / juno septile neptune / juno quintile neptune, Juno conjunct jupiter / juno sextile jupiter / juno trine jupiter / juno septile jupiter / juno novile jupiter / juno quintile jupiter, Juno conjunct saturn / juno sextile saturn / juno trine saturn / juno novile saturn / juno septile saturn / juno quintile saturn, Valentine conjunct Sun / valentine trine sun / valentine sextile sun / valentine septile sun / valentine novile sun / valentine quintile sun /, Valentine conjunct moon / valentine trine moon / valentine sextile moon / valentine septile moon / valentine novile moon / valentine quintile moon, Valentine conjunct venus / valentine trine venus / valentine sextile valentine / valentine novile venus / valentine septile venus / valentine quintile venus, Valentine conjunct jupiter / valentine trine jupiter / valentine sextile jupiter / valentine septile jupiter / valentine novile jupiter / valentine quintile jupiter, Valentine conjunct neptune / valentine trine neptune / valentine sextile neptune / valentine novile neptune / valentine septile neptune / valentine quintile neptune, Valentine conjunct saturn / valentine trine saturn / valentine sextile saturn / valentine novile saturn / valentine quintile saturn / valentine septile saturn, Alma conjunct moon / alma trine moon / alma sextile moon / alma novile moon / alma septile moon / alma quintile, Alma conjunct ic / alma trine ic/ alma sextile ic / alma novile ic / alma septile ic / alma quintile ic, Alma conjunct north node / alma trine trine north node / alma sextile north node/ alma novile north node / alma septile north node / alma quintile north node, Alma conjunct valentine / alma trine valentine/ alma sextile valentine / alma novile valentine / alma septile valentine / alma quintile valentine, Alma conjunct juno / alma trine juno / alma sextile juno / alma novile juno / alma septile juno / alma quintile juno, Alma conjunct amor / alma sextile amor / alma trine amor / alma septile amor / alma novile amor / alma quintile amor, Alma conjunct cupido / alma sextile cupido / alma trine cupido / alma septile cupido / alma novile cupido /alma quintile cupido, Valentine conjunct ascendant / valentine trine ascendant / valentine sextile ascendant / valentine septile ascendant / valentine novile ascendant / valentine quintile ascendant, Venus conjunct chiron / venus sextile chiron / venus trine chiron / venus septile chiron / venus novile chiron / venus quintile chiron, moon conjunct chiron / moon sextile chiron / moon trine chiron / moon septile chiron / moon novile chiron / moon quintile chiron, neptune conjunct chiron / neptune sextile chiron / neptune trine chiron / neptune septile chiron / neptune novile chiron / neptune quintile chiron, Valentine conjunct north node / valentine trine north node / valentine sextile north node / valentine septile north node / valentine novile north node / valentine quintile north node, Amor conjunct sun / amor sextile sun / amor trine sun / amor septile sun / amor novile sun / sun quintile sun, Amor conjunct moon / amor sextile moon / amor trine moon / amor septile moon / amor novile moon / amor quintile moon, Anteros conjunct moon / anteros trine moon / anteros sextile moon / anteros septile moon / anteros novile moon / anteros quintile moon, Cupido conjunct valentine / cupido sextile valentine / cupido trine valentine / cupido septile valentine / cupido novile valentine / cupido quintile valentine, Juno conjunct ascendant / juno sextile ascendant / juno trine ascendant / juno septile ascendant / juno novile ascendant / juno quintile ascendant, Juno conjunct descendant / juno sextile descendant / juno trine descendant / juno septile descendant / juno novile descendant / juno quintile descendant, Erato conjunct sun / erato sextile sun / erato trine sun / erato septile sun/ erato novile sun / erato quintile sun, Erato conjunct moon / erato sextile moon / erato trine moon / erato septile moon / erato novile moon / erato quintile moon, Erato conjunct venus/ erato sextile venus / erato trine venus / erato septile venus/ erato novile venus / erato quintile venus, Erato conjunct neptune/ erato sextile neptune / erato trine neptune / erato septile neptune / erato novile neptune / erato quintile neptune, Erato conjunct ascendant / erato sextile ascendant / erato trine ascendant / erato septile ascendant / erato novile ascendant/ erato quintile ascendant, Erato conjunct saturn/ erato sextile saturn/ erato trine saturn/ erato septile saturn / erato novile saturn / erato quintile saturn, Eros conjunct Psyche / eros trine psyche / eros sextile psyche / eros septile psyche / eros novile psyche / eros quintile psyche / eros opposite psyche, Eros conjunct moon / eros trine moon / eros sextile moon / eros septile moon / eros novile moon / eros quintile moon, Eros conjunct venus / eros trine venus / eros sextile venus / eros septile venus/ eros novile venus/ eros quintile venus, Eros conjunct isis/ eros trine isis / eros sextile isis / eros septile isis / eros novile isis / eros quintile isis, Eros conjunct osiris / eros trine osiris / eros sextile osiris / eros septile osiris / eros novile osiris / eros quintile osiris, Eros conjunct neptune / eros trine neptune/ eros sextile neptune/ eros septile netune/ eros novile neptune / eros quintile neptune, Osiris conjunct isis / osiris trine isis / osiris sextile isis / osiris septile isis / osiris novile isis / osiris quintile isis / osiris opposite isis, Psyche conjunct moon / psyche trine moon / psyche sextile moon / psyche septile moon / psyche novile moon / psyche quintile moon, Pallas conjunct moon / pallas trine moon / pallas sextile moon / pallas septile moon / pallas novile moon / pallas quintile moon Pallas conjunct chiron / pallas trine chiron / pallas sextile chiron / pallas septile chiron/ pallas novile chiron / pallas quintile chiron, Pallas conjunct venus / pallas trine venus / pallas sextile venus / pallas septile venus/ pallas novile venus / pallas quintile venus, Eros conjunct ic / eros trine ic / eros sextile ic / eros septile ic / eros novile ic / eros quintile ic, Eros conjunct ascendant/ eros trine ascendant / eros sextile ascendant / eros septile ascendant / eros novile ascendant / eros quintile ascendant, Eros conjunct descendant/ eros trine descendant / eros sextile descendant/ eros septile descendant/ eros novile descendant/ eros quintile descendant, Eros conjunct valentine / eros trine valentine / eros sextile valentine / eros septile valentine / eros novile valentine / eros quintile valentine, Eros conjunct alma / eros trine alma / eros sextile alma / eros septile alma / eros novile alma / eros quintile alma, Eros conjunct pallas / eros trine pallas / eros sextile pallas / eros septile pallas/ eros novile pallas / eros quintile pallas, Psyche conjunct pallas / psyche trine pallas / psyche sextile pallas / psyche septile pallas/ psyche novile pallas / psyche quintile pallas, Kama conjunct ic / kama trine ic / kama sextile ic / kama septile ic /kama novile ic / kama quintile ic, Kama conjunct moon/ kama trine moon / kama sextile moon / kama septile moon /kama novile moon / kama quintile moon, Kama conjunct pluto / kama trine pluto / kama sextile pluto/ kama septile pluto /kama novile pluto / kama quintile pluto, Kama conjunct valentine / kama trine valentine/ kama sextile valentine / kama septile valentine /kama novile valentine / kama quintile valentine, Anteros conjunct kama / anteros trine kama / anteros sextile kama / anteros septile kama / anteros novile kama / anteros quintile kama, Anteros conjunct valentine / anteros trine valentine / anteros sextile valentine / anteros septile valentine / anteros novile valentine/ anteros quintile valentine, Pallas conjunct valentine / pallas trine valentine /pallas sextile valentine / pallas septile valentine / pallas novile valentine / pallas quintile valentine, Sappho conjunct jupiter /sappho trine jupiter / sappho sextile jupiter / sappho septile jupiter / sappho novile jupiter / sappho quintile jupiter, Sappho conjunct moon / sappho trine moon / sappho sextile moon / sappho septile moon / sappho quintile moon / sappho novile moon, Cupido conjunct juno / cupido trine juno / cupido sextile juno / cupido septile juno / cupido novile juno / cupido quintile juno, Karma conjunct valentine / karma sextile valentine / karma trine valentine / karma septile valentine / karma novile valentine / karma quintile valentine, Karma conjunct alma / karma sextile alma / karma trine alma/ karma septile alma / karma novile alma / karma quintile alma, Karma conjunct descendant / karma sextile descendant / karma trine descendant/ karma septile descendant / karma novile descendant/ karma quintile descendant, Karma conjunct juno / karma sextile juno / karma trine juno / karma septile juno/ karma novile juno / karma quintile juno, Pan conjunct sun / pan trine sun / pan sextile sun / pan septile sun / pan novile sun / pan quintile sun, Pan conjunct moon / pan trine moon/ pan sextile moon / pan septile moon / pan novile moon / pan quintile moon, Pan conjunct ascendant / pan trine ascendant / pan sextile ascendant / pan septile ascendant / pan novile ascendant / pan quintile ascendant, Pan conjunct alma / pan trine alma / pan sextile alma / pan septile alma/ pan novile alma / pan quintile alma.
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