Muslims make these claims of science and imperfection in the Quran attempting to convince non believers, but they accomplish the exact opposite. (Courtesy: NASA). The Quran reveals that everything comes from water before this was known. Gas is a state of matter, smoke is a collection of solids, liquids and gases that are emitted when a material combusts. This is basically derived by the Arabic word "wos'a" found in this verse: , Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability, Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. El artculo / video que has solicitado no existe todava. discovery that confirmed the Big Bang theory. It was during this time that I studied the religions of Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. I'm just curious. I am also the proud father of a twelve year old daughter. Three Minutes, a Modern View of the Origin of the Universe, Weinberg. Imam at-Tabari in his tafsir quoted 6 traditional interpretations of where the meaning with strength was used and could find an explanation for any other interpretation to make it fit this (general) meaning (again referring to the verses Kilise has quoted). And Ibn Zayd said something close to this which is that the expansiveness returns back to the heaven [in comparison to the earth]. matches what is mentioned in the verse that the heaven and Earth (thus the In the above verse, the word heaven is referring to space and the known The form IV active participle is masculine plural and is in the nominative case . Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. So his interpretation is we have constructed the heaven with strength. found. Most of these claims serve only to prey upon the gullible. General Commercial. For example, Surah 33:46 says a lamp spreading light (Arabic muneeraa) and makes this very clear when it says about the sun spreading light. #1by debunkingislam Sep 19, 2010 9:52 pm, #6by debunkingislam Sep 20, 2010 4:33 pm, #8by bdcarlitosway Sep 20, 2010 4:40 pm, #10by debunkingislam Sep 20, 2010 4:48 pm, #11by debunkingislam Sep 20, 2010 4:51 pm, #17by Hajj Baba Mustafa Jan 10, 2013 11:09 pm, #19by Spearthrower Jan 11, 2013 10:10 am, #20by Just A Theory Jan 11, 2013 1:21 pm, Users viewing this topic: No registered users and 2 guests. Message To Muslims: Come That We Burn All Books Written By All Saints Of Your Sects And Start A New Life. Find out more, Scientific knowledge in Quran from Universe to the depths of an atom Therefore other scholars say as Muslims we consider the Qur'an as true, while many scientific theories change with the time, so coupling a quranic statement with a theory is a risky matter, as if this theory would one day considered being wrong we would clearly allow the conclusion that the Qur'an is wrong too. Why register? Earth. Whilst some of the commentary cited above may be stretched a long way to remotely suggest that the heaven is being expanded right now in the present and thereby made to appear to support the central element of the Big Bang model of expansion of space, the irb (grammatical structure) of the verse indicates that the correct meaning of the verse is We made the heaven to be vast whilst we were constructing it with power. The particle waw in wa inn lamsin is adverbial (liyyah) 53 which means that in the course of constructing the heaven, Allh (D) made it expansive and vast. In 1929, astronomer Edwin Hubble with his superior telescope in the Mount Wilson Observatory revealed that the galaxies were receding from the Earth and that there is a direct relationship between the speeds of distant galaxies and their distances from Earth. Does the Quran actually refer to the expansion of the universe? Ibn Ashur gave something like this as an introduction to comment on the verse in his tafsir at-tahrir wa-Tanwir adding that means strength, but it is originated from the hands, but due to the use of this expression it became a synonym of strength and in this verse and in surat saad refers to a strength that nobody can excel! The earth is an oblate spheroid. The Quran says We created man from a drop of mingled fluid (Surah 76:2) This sounds very much like the germinal fluid that Hippocrates spoke of when writing about male and female reproductive fluids. The prefix / La in Arabic is for emphasizes and adds a sense of, to a great extent. And al-asan said, We expand the sustenance through rain and water. As for the statement of alIzz bin Abd al-Salm52 in his tafsr, [That we are possessors of abundance] in enlargening sustenance through rain, or the heaven, or [that] nothing that we desire is difficult for us, or [that] we [are able] to create another heaven like it, or with a greater expanse than the expanse of [this] heaven then there is no indication or proof in it to establish that the universe is expanding as alleged in the Big Bang conjecture. The Quran describes the moons light as reflected light long before it was known. Scientists today do not know what this "Dark Energy" is, but they know that it is causing the entire universe to expand at an increasing rate. EMPH emphatic prefix lm ( ), N nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle ( ), ( ): Spacious/Ample/Abundunt/ also means be possible, be in ones power to comprehend, to encompass/ Waseeh Wusat/ AlWasoh Power; capacity; authority; wealth; opportunity/ Saat Width or extent; ampleness of means, or plentifulness; capacity or power; wealth/ Osaah He became Rich/ Mosioun as in 51:47 where some took its meaning as We are maker of Vast extent Or We are steadily expanding it, Isaiah 42:5 Miracle: who created the heavens and stretched them out, If You Do Not Repent Within 50 Years You Will Be Finished From This Planet. Just to clarify, I understand that Arabic words can mean multiple things - 'samaa' can be either "sky" or "heaven"- but is it possible to know for certain which of these meanings is meant in 51:47 (i.e without using a potential scientific interpretation)? universe in verse 30 of chapter 21 of the Quran. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. -- George Carlin. Some translates the word samaa' to heaven, while others translate it to universe (see Muhammed Asad). Copyright 2006 - 2023 It has become clear that there is not enough matter in the Universe to prevent it from expanding. At its time in Arabia, poetry to them was like Street Rap. Traditionally the scholars has interpreted the word "lamosi'on" () to mean; "indeed We are able too". My own understanding of this verse is that some kind of expansion is included in the verses, but as the translation used in the quote from qtafsir shows the salafi view is that is equal to with hands, and may create confusion, if there was not a traditional interpretation as the one of ibn 'Abbas we would have here an issue, as strength would be considered as an interpretation which is not allowed for Allah's attributes by salafi scholars. In With the Hooker Telescope, Hubble discovered that the galaxies Scientific Miracles in the Quran Debunked - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The meaning of these translations all Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. In fact cultures as far flung as Tibet and the Aborigines of Australia were all aware that meteors fell to earth containing iron. A recovery and discussion subreddit for those who were once followers of Islam. became clear to Muslim scholars that the details mentioned with regards to the Could you clarify whether it is possible to differentiate between the definitions of the word 'samaa' so that samaa = universe, and not samaa = sky, or the other way around? The Quran revealed the planets move in orbits before this was known. The blog posts published here undergo only a minimal editing process in order to preserve the voice and views of the writer. How to combine several legends in one frame? Almighty God said He is the one that controls the expansion of universe. As the Universe rapidly increased in size, light chemicals like hydrogen and helium began to form. universe) where once joined together, and then split apart. Once again, the Secondly, it makes no sense to suggest it means God is expanding the universe after the verse has just said God has built (past tense) the sky and since the universe was already expanding nine billion years before the sky was formed. Debunking the expanding universe quote. Prior to their discovery, the Random Quranic Science claims - Debunked. As well as a general criticism, he discusses: 1. meaning of the verse. This is evident in other passages as well. In 1916 Einstein developed his General Theory of Relativity that indicated that the universe must be either expanding or contracting. . noor means light and is used many times to refer to God himself and so obviously cannot mean reflected light. heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes; and He is the The most prominent minds in history kept claiming that either the universe had its limits or that it was an endless infinite space. (Quran 6:101), Is not He who created the Number eight. This discovery had an electrifying effect in the world of science, because according to the recognized rules of physics, the spectra of light beams traveling towards the point of observation tend towards violet while the spectra of the light beams moving away from the point of observation tend towards red. Read the full thing down below, it also debunks the big bang: QGIS automatic fill of the attribute table by expression, Short story about swapping bodies as a job; the person who hires the main character misuses his body. Why did US v. Assange skip the court of appeal? It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. LOL! That's why the argument of Universe expanding forever remains for human as human will never know when it will end. Number seven. This great explosion that marked the beginning of the universe was named the 'Big Bang' and the theory started to be so called. It is also said, We made between it (the heaven) and the earth a great expanse., Al-Jawhar said, A man became awsa, meaning a possessor of abundance and riches, and from it is the saying of the Exalted, And the Heaven, we constructed it with power, and we made it a vast expanse meaning, rich (aghniy) and powerful (qdirn). And this incorporates all the sayings., [Al-Sad]: [And verily we made it expansive] in its area and space and we are also expansive upon our servants with sustenance., [Al-Shawkn]: Al-Msi is the one possessing abundance and the meaning is we are possessors of vastness in our creation of it and other than it, we are not incapable of that. been expanding from this single point. The fourth, we can expand (our creation) by making another heaven similar to it, said by Mujhid. and dense point; that exploded and brought about the beginning of the universe, A microwave map of the leftover from the Big Bang that gave Good to note is that the translated word "we are its expander" (innaa lamosi'oun) traditionally always have been translated to "we are able to" (innaa laqadiron) which is a synonym of the word. What importance, then, did the fact that the universe expands have on the existence of the universe? Also check out Medi1Saifs answer. But this is the meaning that would come to mind to any mindful person who understands Arabic! So the creation of the heavens is a much greater and complex creation than any other creation of Allah, and Allah here gives examples of how even if this creation was that difficult, complex and great HE is able to expand and go further, this is a sign for mankind, as they can only witness the result of HIS creation without being able to observe how. However, how do we know in the first place that the word 'samaa' used in this verse is referring to the greater universe (i.e heaven)? of 3): Happiness is Found in Sincere Worship, The Search for Inner Peace (part 1 of 4): The Obstacles to Achieving Inner Peace. We can blame these inaccuracies on Islam being a rip off of Christianity, which in turn is a rip off of Judaism. This is more so considering that, like I studied for my AA while living in Seattle, focusing on mathematics, journalism and philosophy. ( Send us your views and opinions, your personal stories, messages of support, comments on recent news, or any comments you would like to share about your part of the world. If this is supposed to be a description of the Big Bang, then it is a terrible one. of Relativity that indicated that the universe must be either expanding or For the first 380,000 years, the intense heat made it too hot for light to shine. The Quran mentioned the seven layers of the atmosphere before this was known. Until the early 1920s, it was believed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It matches what the people understood at the time of its revelation, but it was also "future proof" in that it can match the observations of later generations as well. Matter did not exist to be cloven asunder and there was certainly no splitting of Earth from heaven. feel distress and turn to God, Prophet Muhammads Last Sermon: A Final Admonition, Craig Robertson, Ex-Catholic, Canada (part 2 of 2): Learning precise meaning of each word in Arabic in the verse, as well as the overall According to many Islamic sources, Quran 51:47 refers to the expansion of the universe, a phenomenon that has been made known to us in the recent century. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim, Angels (part 1 of 3): Created to worship and obey God, The Story of Adam (part 1 of 5): The First Man, The Story of Adam (part 2 of 5): The Creation of Eve and the Role of Satan, The Story of Adam (part 4 of 5): Life on Earth, The Miraculous Quran (part 1 of 11): My Path to Islam, Stephanie, Ex-Catholic, South Africa (part 6 of 6), Angels (part 2 of 3): God bestowed might and power upon the angels, Khadija Evans, Ex-Catholic, USA (part 2 of 2), Happiness in Islam (part 3 Some Muslims like to compare modern cosmology with verses from the Quran. could not have been aware of such facts by himself. But I will to keep it hidden, that every soul may be rewarded for that which it strives (to achieve)." It is also worth noting that the Quran always mentions the semen but nowhere does it mention the female egg or the actual process of fertilization, which one would expect to be in any basic description, if it was known about by the author. But the point is that Allah refers to a creation we are not able to create, we didn't witness, but only are able to observe the result. But its obvious they knew what iron was, and how it should be used. I am the grandson of a Pentecostal preacher and have a sister who is a born again Christian. circulate around something that is mixed and that has a separate and distinct Similarly, we may understand it differently, since our observations of the universe are vastly different. Instead, he added a term called the cosmological constant to his equations that would make his calculations consistent with a static universe. as follows: the "them" in this verse refers to the disbelievers and those who rejected Allahs signs in first place as it is them who will discover their truth (see also this fatwa islamqa #217157), so one way people may discover the truth of Islam is by discovering the truth of its message, not because Muslims show or found this to be truth, but because they were confronted with the truth in their own discoveries Debunking: Quran 51:47 "And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed we are [it's] expander." Lets start by saying that no Muslim ever suggested that the universe was expanding before it was discovered by scientists, and this verse never meant 'universe is expanding' until recently. Let's start with a quote from qtafsir (a somehow summarized version of tafsir ibn Kathir): Allah reminds us of the creating of the higher and lower worlds, the soil is a good example of a similar illustration of the meaning of the verb In the years to come, with further observations, the How to Broach Religion Without Starting a Brawl, A Letter to My 18 Month Old on Womens Day. with speeds proportional to their distance from earth (Hubble's Law). The Seven Heavens Scientific mistakes in the Quran and why is . nyc dob superintendent license lookup, court docket codes ohio, metal slug attack best units 2020,
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