Locklear, T. D., Huang, Y., Frasor, J., Doyle, B. J., Perez, A., Gomez-Laurito, J., and Mahady, G. B. Estrogenic and progestagenic effects of extracts of Justicia pectoralis Jacq., an herbal medicine from Costa Rica used for the treatment of menopause and PMS. The antioxidants in Justicia carnea helps protect the liver and the heart from toxic agents and free radicals. Higher doses (>500mg/kg) of extract significantly (p<0.05) increased RBC, hemoglobin and platelet compared to the control. Justicia carnea [jus-TEE-see-ah, KAR-nee-uh] is popularly known as the Brazilian Plume Flower. Tags: benefits of justicia carnea, health benefit of justicia carnea, justicia carnea . CAS Clin Phytosci 2019; 5:9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40816-019-0104-4. The presence of blood boosting nutrients such as iron, copper, zinc and vitamin C can help prevent iron-deficiency anaemia and other anemic conditions. In conclusion, oral acute administration of J. carnea ethanol extract is safe because neither mortality nor any signs of toxicity were observed in experimental rats. Caterpillars may be an occasional problem, chewing down on some of the foliage. Proximate analysis of the aqueous extract of J. carnea leaves showed that it contains appreciable amounts of 53.07 0.07% carbohydrate, 9.26 0.02% ash, and 26.71 0.02% . Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. Corroborating with the results of the antioxidant system and weight of the liver, continuous exposure to higher dose (1200mg/kg) of JCEE could result in hepatic damage. 5. Wash the Justicia carnea leaves thoroughly to eliminate all forms of insects and dust. However, there have not been scientific backing on this claim, yet, from the antiviral properties of other species of justicia, it could be that this plant possess antiviral properties which is utilized in the treatment of hepatitis infection. There may be some problems if the air is too dry in winter. The plant is transplanted in the spring. Beijing: Chemical Press; 2011. Walters DM., Cho Hye-Youn, Kleeberger SR. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Potential Role for Nrf2. (2017). The animals were allowed free access to rat chow and water ad libitum. A cup of ewe eje extract in the morning will provide you with energy needed to pull through the days activities. 2017;16(2):21730 https://doi.org/10.17306/J.AFS.2017.0492. 2018;2018:5762368. While not necessary, prune the justicia (plant) freely to maintain the desired shape and size. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. de Smet, P. A. Names of Justicia Betonica in various languages of the world are also given. 1972;47:38994. long (20 cm), densely packed with pink to crimson tubular flowers. Cover and leave for about fifteen minutes. 2010;4(8):6804 https://doi.org/10.5897/JMPR09.487. View abstract. Biomed Environ Mass Spectrom 1988;15(8):413-417. It helps in replenishing blood lost during period. This is due to the inability of the pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin, which transports glucose to cells, or the inability of cells of the body to recognize insulin. Mr. K.O. 2016;4(1):5360. The Justicia carnea leaves are rich in B-vitamins. Ogwu obara is commonly used in making porridge yam, and soups. View abstract. Add organic matter or compost in the soil and place the plant. Pharm. Yes my readers. In this study, the aqueous leaf extract of Justicia carnea was used. Due to the local availability, easy access and relatively low cost, medicinal plants are gaining attentions in health care programmes. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules191221442. Ani, Onuabuchi & Udedi, Stanley & Asogwa, Kingsley & Enemali, Michael & Onwelumadu, Chigozie & Ikedife, Kenneth. The in-vitro . J Ethnopharmacol 1999;64(3):265-270. Methods. Liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was significantly (p<0.05) increased at 1200mg/kg while other tested doses caused no detrimental effect on glutathione, catalase, SOD and malondialdehyde level in liver and kidney. PubMed Organic extract of Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Haematological and biochemical studies on Justicia carnea leave extract in phenylhydrazine induced-anemia in albino rats. Accept The reaction is terminated by the addition of 2ml of dichromoacetic acid mixture (potassium dichromate (5%) and glacial acetic acid; 1:3v/v) and heated at 60C for 10min. W Afr J Biol Sci. How Justicia Betonica is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. However, watch out for nematodes and spider mites. All authors read and approved the final draft of the manuscript. Ewe eje can also be used to manage abnormalities associated with anaemia and for the treatment and management of diabetics. Hence, Justicia carnea can be used to strengthen the immune system. The fresh leaves were thoroughly washed under running tap, air dried under shade, pulverized and extracted with ethanol. Joseph, H., Gleye, J., Moulis, C., Fouraste, I., and Stanislas, E. O-Methoxylated C-glycosylflavones from Justicia pectoralis. Note this is the default cart. Rich, well-drained soil retaining ample moisture is the perfect home for Brazilian plume flowers. Studies have also confirmed this claim. 3rd ed. Venancio, E. T., Rocha, N. F., Rios, E. R., Feitosa, M. L., Linhares, M. I., Melo, F. H., Matias, M. S., Fonseca, F. N., Sousa, F. C., Leal, L. K., and Fonteles, M. M. Anxiolytic-like effects of standardized extract of Justicia pectoralis (SEJP) in mice: Involvement of GABA/benzodiazepine in receptor. How to make Ewe eje Extracthow to prepare justicia carnea. By using this website, you agree to our Two of the most important soil considerations include fertility and drainage. Control treatment showed normal central venules without congestion, the morphology of the hepatocytes appear normal, the sinusoids appear normal with no observable form of infiltration and no observable pathological lesion seen. Regular intake can reduce your risk of liver diseases like liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver inflammation. Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. In Nigeria, the leaf of Justicia carnea is usually prepared with edible vegetables to make soup, boiled separately in water to make tea or prepared by cooking with other medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of J. carnea leaf extract on hematology indices and organ antioxidant system in healthy wistar rats. Extinction coefficient () of MDA TBA complex=1.56105M1cm1. According to acute toxicity grading standards, LD50 of substances greater than 5000mg/kg is practically considered non-toxic [22, 23]. Rats in the 3 different groups received 10, 100 and 1000mg/kg body weight of JCEE orally using oral gavage. Effect of Tectona grandis on phenylhydrazine induced anemia in rats. Haematoxic effects following ingestion of Nigerian crude oil and crude oil polluted shellfish by rats. Whether added to garden beds or pots, the justicia (plant) adds a colorful tropical touch and are easy to grow. de Vries, J. X., Tauscher, B., and Wurzel, G. Constituents of Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. They range in colors such as red, orange, mauve, magenta, apricot, and pink. The non significant decrease observed in this study is in consonance with the work of Onyeabo et al., [9] who also reported no significant difference in the relative weights of liver and kidney. The shrubby habit of the plant is well-suited for both containers and outside planting. Correspondence to Justicia carnea needs bright, indirect light to thrive. 1. 2010;32(1):1328 https://doi.org/10.3109/08860220903367585. Safety assessment of Uvaria chamae root extract: acute and subchronic toxicity studies. While the renal tubules across the tested groups were normal with the interstitial spaces showing moderate congestion and hemorrhage, there appeared some abnormalities in the renal cortex (such as few sclerotic glomeruli with moderately dilated capsular spaces) resulting in fair architectural structure of the kidney (Fig. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. The resultant liquid would turn crimson red. Generally disease free. Justicia carnea is amedicinal plant used widely in Nigeria which is reported to have diverse functions, including blood-boosting potential. This post was last modified on January 2, 2023 5:23 pm. As declared by all authors, no competing interests exist. van Andel T., Carvalheiro LG. The catalase activity was calculated using the expression: Note: A=change in absorbance, TV=total volume, TP=total protein, SV=sample volume, =molar extinction=40M1 cm1. The results of effect of methanol leaf extract of Justicia carnea on albumin and total protein concentrations in CCl 4-intoxicated rats shown as in Table 2 showed that there was a significant (p<0.05) decrease in serum albumin and total protein concentrations . Justicia carnea (Brazilian Plume) is an upright, evergreen shrub with large, dark green leaves, 10 in. Anal Biochem. When it comes to fertilizing, an NPK balance of 5-10-5 will work well, encouraging blooming and strong growth. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 1997. https://doi.org/10.17226/4988. Having discussed the nutritional benefits of ewe eje, i shall now take you through the various health benefits of justicia carnea leaves, and roots. The absorbance was taken at interval of 1min for 3min at 480nm. Read also (Cashew leaves: health benefits and side effects of Anacardium occidentale). In sub-acute toxicity study, total of thirty (30) rats were randomized into six groups of five rats per group: Group 1 served as control and was administered with 1ml of distilled water (dH2O). Faiza R, Waqas KK, Adeel M, Muhammad G. Detection of bioactive fractions of Justicia adhatoda leaves. As reported by science, Justicia carnea is composed of secondary metabolites such as: flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, phenols, saponins and tannins. Chariandy, C. M., Seaforth, C. E., Phelps, R. H., Pollard, G. V., and Khambay, B. P. Screening of medicinal plants from Trinidad and Tobago for antimicrobial and insecticidal properties. Article ID 687197, 2013; p. 13. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/687197. Influence of ethanolic extracts of dried fruit of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. There is however little publications available on the pharmacological properties of the herbal plant. Each of the rats received 1500, 2900 and 5000mg/kg body weight of JCEE respectively and examined within 24h for manifestation of toxicity. One of the side-effects of some orthodox drugs used in the past had been excessive inhibition of the carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes, which in turn leads to abdominal discomfort and. J Ethnopharmacol. 2008; 10:2. 200, 500 and 1000 mg/kg bw of Justicia carnea showed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the activities of ALT, AST and ALP, and bilirubin level while total protein and albumin levels increased significantly (p<0.05) when compared with the rats treated with CCl alone. You can add milk or honey for taste before drinking. Where, A=absorbance, TV=total volume, SV=sample volume, =extinction coefficient, TP=total protein. It is also known as Jacobinia carnea, and is a part of the Acanthaceae family along with the Aphelandra squarrosa (Zebra plant) and Crossandra. Mean lethal dose of the extract was found to be above 5000mg/kg body weight (bw). It may be, judging from the antidepressant activity of other plant of justicia species whose activity have been studied, proper to state that justicia carnea may possess antidepressant properties. The liver histopathological examination of the groups treated with J. carnea ethanol extract (JCEE) leaf showed normal liver architecture with slight abnormalities (such as mild fat congestion and hemorrhage) in the central venules of groups that received high doses. Justicia carnea is commonly cultivated and grown as an ornamental potted plant. Justicia carnea is affects Fertility according to a researched article published on ResearchgateJusticia carnea was found to lower sperm count Male Wistar Albino ratsthe effect of this herb on female fertility is not yet known. Omogunwa is a graduate of Biochemistry from the Department of Chemical Sciences, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria. A cup of water long (25 cm), and showy flower plumes, 8 in. Turn off the heat and then soak the leaves into the pot. Ewe eje as a Natural Blood booster/tonic: Due to the high concentration of iron in this leaf, it can help boost blood production by increasing the red blood cells, haemoglobin, and the blood platelets. Further study assessing the kidney indices (urea, creatinine and electrolytes) is however encouraged to ascertain the safety of the plant extract on renal function. Technical guidelines assembly of veterinary medicine research. long (25 cm), and showy flower plumes, 8 in. Article The acute toxicity test also proved that justicia carnea leaves are safe for consumption. In which ever condition, the blood glucose level increases abnormally. Antioxidants & redox signaling Forum Review. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. These animals were obtained from the animal house of the Department of Chemical Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso Oyo State, Nigeria. Decoction of ewe eje or its leaf extract can lower serum cholesterol and get rid of bad cholesterol (LDL). If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. In-vivo studies have revealed that radicals produced from these dietary antioxidants are constantly regenerated back to their active form by GSH in the ascorbate glutathione cycle. Clinical Guide to Laboratory tests. Onoagbe IO, Attah V, Luther MM, Esekheigbe A. Hypoglycemic and anti-diabetic effects of Morinda lucida and Tetracera alnifora in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. 3 . what are the pros and cons of testosterone replacement therapy? -Amylase binding-interaction with JCAE was also investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular docking. Hepatic and renal damage has been recently linked with the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of various diseases [5, 6]. The weight of organs (liver and kidney) reduced steadily in a concentration dependent manner. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were elevated across all doses in the liver with significant (p<0.05) difference only observed in the highest dose (1200mg/kg) while kidney showed no significant difference compared to the control. Ewe eje is safe and healthy for consumption. McCune LM, Johns T. Antioxidant activity in medicinal plants associated with the symptoms of diabetes mellitus used by the indigenous peoples of the north American boreal forest. https://doi.org/10.4314/njps.v19i1.32627. Lipid peroxidation was determined by measuring the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) according to the method described by Buege and Aust [20]. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. While histology of organs showed no adverse pathological lesions in the internal organs of rats, higher dose (1200mg/kg) over a period of time could cause noticeable liver and kidney injury. Olumese FE, Onoagbe IO, Eze GI, Omoruyi FO. Justicia carnea (belonging to Acanthaceae family) is a flowering plant consisting ~600 species that are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics [7]. Article Cookies policy. Daily intake of the Ewe eje or ajeri can increase the absorption of iron and vitamins, Uses and health benefits of Ewe eje (Justicia carnea leaf). Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of simple coumarins, 3-phenylpropionic acids and their hydroxy and methoxy derivatives. A multidisciplinary overview of intoxicating snuff rituals in the western hemisphere. This requires more attention to properly document the various health benefits of justicia carnea. 1978;90:819. Anti-depressant-like effect of kaempferitrin isolated from Justicia spicigera Schltdl (Acanthaceae) in two behavior models in mice: evidence for the involvement of the serotonergic system. The cuttings should be placed in individuals pots and put under glass or shaded location, away from direct sunlight. View abstract. Ethanol extract of J. carnea leaf elevated red blood cell, hemoglobin, packed cell volume and platelet count with significant increase at higher doses of extracts compared to the control. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Despite the use of Justicia carnea and other reported scientific studies, there are no reports on its effects on the major organs of the body. The principle is based on the reduction of dichromate in a weak acid medium (acetic acid) to chromic acetate which is further heated in the presence of hydrogen peroxide to form an unstable intermediate (perchromic acid) that can be monitored spectrophotometrically at 620nm. The Brazilian Plume is native to mainly tropical areas in South America, meaning it thrives in warm and slightly humid climates. Control treated group showed normal micromorphological sections. SOD activity was determined by its ability to inhibit the auto-oxidation of epinephrine determined by the increase in absorbance at 480nm. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Justicia carnea (Brazilian Plume) is an upright, evergreen shrub with large, dark green leaves, 10 in. The lush foliage and distinctive flowers make Brazilian Plume a natural for a tropical garden. Local consumers of the leaves are mostly . J. Appl. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. Total reaction mixture of 3ml contained 2.95ml of 0.05M sodium carbonate buffer (pH10.2), 0.02ml tissue sample and 0.03ml of epinephrine (2mM) in 0.005N HCl was used to initiate the reaction. Although the antidepressant activity of justicia carnea has not been studied, and so may be hard to prove its efficacy scientifically, the leaves of justicia carnea have been used in traditional medicine to treat depression and anxiety disorder. Akintimehin is a lecturer in the Biochemistry unit of Chemical Sciences Department, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria. One of the oldest known plant is the fig tree. The gradual decrease in the weight of organs following short-term exposure of J. carnea leaf ethanol extract may be attributed to adaptive response of the organs arising from daily dosage of the extract or its metabolites within their body. Powdered sample was extracted using absolute ethanol and concentrated to obtain a slurry paste of J. carnea ethanol extracts. J. Pharmacogn. Another strong benefits of justicia carnea leaves is in lipid profile. Ewe eje is an age-old herb medically proven to act as a blood tonic which can be attributed to its nutritional composition. It results from one or more of the following events: loss of red blood cells (RBCs), reduction in the production of RBCs, increased destruction of RBCs, and shorter life span of RBCs (McEvoy, 2013). It is obvious that Justicia carnea has potential antianemic, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, and immune-boosting properties. Nutritional Composition of Ewe eje (Justicia carnea leaf). Too much sun can scorch the leaves, and too little will result in fewer flowers. 16. It has already been pointed out that this plant is used traditionally to boost blood production among the people of southern Nigeria. The minerals present in justicia carnea (Ewe eje or ogwu obara) are calcium, iron, magnesium, copper and zinc. 50mg/kg-1200mg/kg treatment relative to control treatment showed varied degree of renal injury that is dose dependent. The flowering Justicia plant is a perennial native to the Atlantic Forest eco-regions in eastern Brazil. I do hope that after reading through this article, you would plan to start cultivating this amazing plant specie in your garden. Emmanuel Sina Akintimehin. Oral acute toxicity study on J. carnea ethanol extract (JCEE) was carried out according to Lorke [15] method using the total of twelve (12) albino rats in two phases. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocel.2006.07.001. The plant is hardy to USDA Hardiness Zones 8b through 11. This suggested that the extract did not alter tissue function in converting harmful hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. 2016;5(1):6270 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joad.2015.08.006. 2013;3(4):1248 https://doi.org/10.7324/JAPS.2013.3422. The leaves of Justicia carnea contains powerful antioxidant activities and phytochemical components that help reduce oxidative stress, and reduce the risk of development of cancer. Clin Phytosci 7, 2 (2021). Google Scholar. Justicia pectoralis seems to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. J Afr Ass Physiol Sci. Chemical constituents and biological activities of species of Justicia a review. Feed the soil when the cutting is new to encourage better growth. Nunes TRS, Cordeiro MF, Beserra FG, et al. Studies have shown that ewe eje isnt capable of causing damage to the liver. et al. They can easily tolerate acidic to slightly alkaline sandy, loamy, and clay soils. Author ESA managed the literature searches and wrote the first draft of the manuscript with the assistant of FOA. Ewe eje is a rich source of phytochemicals, minerals and vitamins. Justicia carnea is a popular ornamental plant, which possesses powerful medicinal values. It may also affect the activity of hormones. Aim. There are several nutritional benefits of justicia carnea leaves. There are several claims that justicia carnea can prevent epilepsy and convulsion among children. The hematopoietic systems represent a sensitive target of toxic compounds and an essential index of physiological and pathological status in experimental animals [24]. if you add justicia carnea leaves in avocado seed tea, you may just get yourself the best remedy for cardiovascular diseases. This could possibly indicate SOD stimulating effects of J. carnea leaf ethanol extract. How long does it take for Aju mbaise to work. Haematological and biochemical studies on Justicia carnea leaves extract in phenylhydrazine induced-anemia in albino rats. Fertility leaves: Benefits and side effects, Guava Leaf Tea: Health Benefits of Guava Leaves, Coriander seeds: 18 benefits Coriandrum sativum fruits and seeds, Rapini: Nutritional facts, benefits, side effects and care. When properly boiled in water, the aqueous leaf extract turns red, and when mixed with milk turns pink. 1958;25(1):192205. Powdered sample (1000g) was soaked in absolute ethanol (3000mL) with constant stirring. He has B.Sc.,and M.Sc. 2008;108(9):14807. The plant possess several bioactive compounds like polyphenols, which act as antioxidants or anti-inflammatory compounds. To use the website as intended please Badami S, Aneesh R, Sankar S, Sathishkumar MN, Suresh B, Rajan S. Antifertility activity of Derris brevipes variety coriacea. In this article i will take you through the nutritional and medicinal benefits of justicia carnea. Authors KOK and ESA performed the statistical analysis and managed the analyses of study. 1983;53:27589. All analyzed dataset to support the conclusions of this article is included as tables in the uploaded supplementary files. The resultant liquid after boiling is usually crimson red. We'll respect your privacy and unsubscribe at any time. 10.17306/J.AFS.2017.0492. They look terrific in properly shaded outside areas such as porches, patios, driveways, and entryways. How often should it be watered? Ethanol extracts of J. carnea leaf increased RBC, hemoglobin and platelet with significant increase (p<0.05) in groups that received higher dose (>500mg/kg b.w) of extract compared to the control. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. The research work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. J Ethnopharmacol. Further, 0.5ml of supernatant was treated with 0.5ml of Ellmans reagent (containing 19.8mg of 5,5 dithiobis - (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) in 100ml of 0.1% sodium nitrate) and 3.0ml of phosphate buffer (0.2M, pH8.0). Liver and kidney in all treated groups maintained similar activities of catalase (CAT) compared to the control. This research focused on the safety and in vivo antioxidant status of healthy albino rats exposed to J. carnea leaf ethanol extract. The haematological indices of the blood samples were determined using an automated URIT 2900 Plus 3 Differential Haematological Analyzer. Anaemia is a common blood disorder that affects people of all ages, though people at greater risk are the elderly, young women and infants. Side effects of Ewe eje (Justicia carnea leaf Side Effects) Ewe eje is safe and healthy for consumption. Colorimetric assay of catalase. The blood stimulating effects could be due to the presence of dietary bioactive constituents that stimulate activities of haematopoietic cells and stabilization of blood in circulation [21]. 2003;84:99104. The roots and the leaves possess medicinal values and have been used in treating several diseases. Aside boosting blood production in normal persons, justicia carnea leaves also reverses anemic conditions. Justicia pectoralis is a flowering herb that grows in tropical areas of the Americas, including South and Central America. 50mg/kg-1200mg/kg treatments relative to control showed varied degree of hepatic injury that is dose dependent. Anaemia is a common blood disorder that affects people of all ages, though people at greater risk are the elderly, young women and infants. In winter, you might have to spray the leaves with water, especially if the air is dry. In this study, the aqueous leaf extract of Justicia carnea was used. Brazilian-plumeflowers are best propagated from softwood cuttings. Studies have shown that ewe eje contains antioxidant and cardio-protective properties. Significant (P<0.05) decrease observed in liver total protein of rat administered with 1200mg/kg of extract could be due to intrinsic factors in-vivo that might not necessarily indicate adverse reaction of the extracts. volume7, Articlenumber:2 (2021) While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. Mukinda JT, Syce JA. 400). Onyeabo, Chimaraoke & Achi, Ngozi & Chima, Ekeleme-Egedigwe & Ebere, Chidinma & Okoro, Chidinma. Therefore,it is imperative to investigate the effects of the plant on the essential biochemical indices in diabetic rats so as to establish its safety. Filed in Biochemistry Project Topics, Current Projects by TMLT Editorials on September 22, 2020. Materials and Methods Plant material Justicia carnea leaves used in this study were collected from Ozalla Isuofia in Anambra State and identified by Mr. Ozioko Acute toxicity was determined in two phases using Lorke method. Medapa S, Singh GRJ, Ravikumar V. The phytochemical and antioxidant screening of Justicia wynaadensis. Duan WL, Liang XM. Vitamin C and E are antioxidants. 2013;1:38898. The leaves are also rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Another plant with this composition is pumpkin fruit. J Ethnopharmacol. B-vitamins are good sources of energy. Other English names for this plant include: flamingo flower, Jacobinia, Brazilian plume flower and Brazilian plume. Furthermore, increased MID by the extracts could indicate macrophage formation ability and pathogenic scavenging role. The mixture was allowed to cool and centrifuged at 650g for 10min to obtain the supernatant. Growing up, we were told many biblical stories, Negro pepper (Xylopia aethiopica) is a spice plant that possess several health benefits, which make it an indispensable, Eating for its sour taste when fairly ripen and sweet taste when well ripen, star apple finds favor, Fertility tree (Newbouldia laevis), also known as boundary tree, Ogirisi in Igbo, Adikuru in Hausa and Ewe akoko, Guava (Psidium guajava) is a well known tropical tree which is widely grown for its fruits. [4].Inflammationinjuries, in an attempt to heal is presented by five cardinal signs of heat (calor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor) and loss of function5.Studieshave demonstrated inflammation as being caused by Canadian J Appl Sci. The findings show that ethanol extracts of Costus afer and Justicia carnea could operate as main antioxidants and free radical scavengers. There are several scientific studies which show that the methanolic leaf extract of Justicia carnea protects the liver from toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride harmful effect on the live integrity and functions. The protein content may help in cellular functions and are building blocks for structural and functional biomolecules.
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